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function theme_gmapnodelabel in GMap Module 5

Theme a node info window.

1 theme call to theme_gmapnodelabel()
gmap_location_node_point in ./gmap_location.module
AHAH callback for getting the contents of a node point popup.


./gmap_location.module, line 861
GMap Location module is a module to add some gmap funcationality based on location.modules information.


function theme_gmapnodelabel($node) {

  // Allow a module (where the module name matches the node type name)
  // to define a custom display for the google map label.
  // For this to work with flexinode defined data types,
  // a module called 'flexinode_#.module' in your site's module
  // directory and add theme_hook_gmapnodelabel($node, $location) to it.
  // Be sure to enable your 'flexinode_#.module'.
  return '<div class="gmapnodelabel gmapnodelabel-' . form_clean_id($node->type) . '">' . strtr(node_view($node, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), "'\n\r", '"  ') . '</div>';

  // make sure it all goes on one line.