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function gmap_defaults in GMap Module 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 gmap.module \gmap_defaults()
  2. 6.2 gmap.module \gmap_defaults()
  3. 6 gmap.module \gmap_defaults()
  4. 7 gmap.module \gmap_defaults()

Get the defaults for a gmap.


use GmapDefaults::getInstance()->getDefaults()

8 calls to gmap_defaults()
gmap_admin_settings in ./
Admin settings form.
gmap_element_info in ./gmap.module
Implements hook_element_info().
gmap_location_node_page in ./gmap_location.module
Draws a page with a google map with the node on it.
gmap_location_user_page in ./gmap_location.module
Draws a page with a google map that has all of the site users.
gmap_macro_builder_form in ./gmap_macro_builder.module
Macro builder form.

... See full list


./gmap.module, line 31
GMap -- Routines to use the Google Maps API in Drupal.


function gmap_defaults() {
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') . '/lib/Drupal/gmap/GmapDefaults.php';
  return GmapDefaults::getInstance()