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function theme_gm3_point_button in Google Maps API V3 7

Point tools button

1 theme call to theme_gm3_point_button()
gm3_field_field_widget_form in gm3_field/gm3_field.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().


./, line 113


function theme_gm3_point_button($variables) {
  theme('gm3_beautytip', array(
    'selector' => '.gm3-tools-button[data-gm3-class="point"]',
    'text' => t('Click to enable adding/removing points.<br/>Add points by left clicking the map.<br/>Remove a point by right clicking it.'),
  return '<div data-gm3-class="point" class="gm3-tools-button"><p>+ ' . t('Point') . '</p></div>';