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function gm3_convert_polygon_string in Google Maps API V3 7

Helper function to convert a POLYGON/MULTIPOLYGON string to an array of points.

REALLY NEED TO REMOVE THIS FUNCTION - We have the geoPHP library installed for a reason.

3 calls to gm3_convert_polygon_string()
gm3_field_field_formatter_view in gm3_field/gm3_field.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
gm3_field_field_widget_form in gm3_field/gm3_field.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
theme_gm3_view_gm3 in ./
Theme a GM3 view.


./, line 10


function gm3_convert_polygon_string($poly_string) {

  // Increase the memory limit, as some shapes are a little on the large side.
  // This won't be a problem once they're cached.
  ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
  switch (substr($poly_string, 0, 7)) {
    case 'POLYGON':

      // Get rid of unneeded text
      $poly_string = substr($poly_string, strpos($poly_string, "("));
      $poly_string = str_replace("(", "", $poly_string);
      $poly_string = str_replace(")", "", $poly_string);
      $lat_longs = explode(",", $poly_string);
      foreach ($lat_longs as $index => $lat_long) {
        $lat_long_parts = explode(" ", trim($lat_long));
        $lat_longs[$index] = array(
      return array(
    case 'MULTIPO':

      // Split the string, and then call this same function with the split
      // strings.
      $poly_string = substr($poly_string, strpos($poly_string, "("));
      $poly_strings = explode("),(", $poly_string);
      $polygons = array();
      foreach ($poly_strings as $poly_string) {
        $polygons[] = array_pop(gm3_convert_polygon_string('POLYGON ' . $poly_string));
      return $polygons;

      // WTF!  We really shouldn't be here.
      return FALSE;