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function _glossify_comment_hovertips in Glossify 6.3

Helper function to generate hovertips from comment matches.

1 call to _glossify_comment_hovertips()
glossify_theme_comment_view in ./glossify.module
Themes a single comment and related items.


./glossify.module, line 1087


function _glossify_comment_hovertips(&$comment, $node) {
  $configurations = variable_get('glossify_configurations', array());
  $referenced_terms = array();
  foreach ($configurations as $config_name => $configuration) {
    if (in_array($node->type, $configuration['from'])) {
      $enabled_styles = array_filter($configuration['style']);
      $possible_keywords = _fetch_possible_keywords($config_name, $configuration, $node->nid);
      if (in_array('hovertip', $configuration['style']) && $configuration['style']['hovertip']) {
        foreach ($possible_keywords as $kwd) {
          list($term_title, $path) = $kwd;
          if (in_array($term_title, $referenced_terms)) {
          if (preg_match(_glossify_regex($configuration, $term_title), $comment->comment)) {
            $referenced_terms[] = $term_title;

            // Rough check that node does not already have a hovertip element for this term.
            if (!isset($node->content['glossify_hovertip'][$term_title])) {

              // Theming of comment hovertip will carry out glossify filter on the body
              // if in non-filter mode, to allow hovertips to contain links to other glossary terms.
              $comment->comment .= theme('glossify_term', $path, 'hovertip');