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globalredirect.test in Global Redirect 6

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Global Redirect functionality tests


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define('ERROR_MESSAGE', 'ERROR<br />Expected Path: !expected_path<br />Expected Status Code: !expected_status<br />Location: !location<br />Status: !status');
define('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', 'SUCCESS<br />Expected Path: !expected_path<br />Expected Status Code: !expected_status<br />Location: !location<br />Status: !status');
define('INFO_MESSAGE', 'Running Test: !id<br />Requesting URL: !url');

 * @file
 * Global Redirect functionality tests
class GlobalRedirectTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  function setUp() {

    // Enable the required modules
    parent::setUp('path', 'globalredirect', 'taxonomy', 'forum');

    // Clean URLs should be enabled for testing.
    variable_set('clean_url', 1);

    // Create a user
    $user = $this
      'access content',
      'create page content',
      'create url aliases',
      'access administration pages',

    // Create a dummy node
    $node = array(
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'Test Page Node',
      'path' => 'test-node',

    // Save the node
    $node = $this

    // Create an alias for the create story path - this is used in the "redirect with permissions testing" test.
    path_set_alias('node/add/story', 'add-node-story');

    // Create an alias for the admin URL - this is used in the "ignore admin path" test.
    path_set_alias('admin', 'administration');

    // The forum vocab should already be created - should be term 1?
    $forum_term = array(
      'vid' => variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', 0),
      'name' => 'Test Forum Term',

    // Create another test vocab (with a default module) - should be vocab 2?
    $vocab = array(
      'name' => 'test vocab',
      'multiple' => 0,
      'required' => 0,
      'hierarchy' => 0,
      'module' => 'taxonomy',
      'nodes' => array(
    $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vocab['vid'], TRUE);

    // Create a test term - Should be term 2?
    $term = array(
      'vid' => $vocab->vid,
      'name' => 'Test Term',
    $term = taxonomy_get_term($term['tid']);
    path_set_alias(taxonomy_term_path($term), 'test-term');
  protected function _globalredirect_batch_test() {

    // Get the settings
    $settings = _globalredirect_get_settings();
      ->assert('pass', '<pre>' . print_r($settings, TRUE) . '</pre>');

    // Array of request => "array of expected data" pairs.
    // The array must have a return-code key (with a numeric HTTP code as a value (eg 301 or 200).
    // The array may also have an expected-path key with a value representing the expected path. If this is ommitted, the request is passed through url().
    $test_paths = array(
      // "" is the frontpage. Should NOT redirect. -- Test for normal requests
        'request' => '',
        'return-code' => 200,
        'expected-path' => '',
      // "node" is the default frontpage. Should redirect to base path. --- Test for frontpage redirect
      // The result depends on settings
        'request' => 'node',
        'return-code' => $settings['frontpage_redirect'] ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => $settings['frontpage_redirect'] ? '' : 'node',
      // "node/1" has been defined above as having an alias ("test-node"). Should 301 redirect to the alias. --- Test for source path request on aliased path
        'request' => 'node/1',
        'return-code' => 301,
      // "node/add/story" has an alias, however the redirect depends on the menu_check setting --- Test for access request to secured url
        'request' => 'node/add/story',
        'return-code' => $settings['menu_check'] ? 403 : 301,
      // "user/[uid]/" has no alias, but the redirect depends on the $deslash_check setting --- Test for deslashing redirect
        'request' => 'user/' . $this->loggedInUser->uid . '/',
        'return-code' => $settings['deslash'] ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => 'user/' . $this->loggedInUser->uid,
      // NonClean to Clean check 1 --- This should always redirect as we're requesting an aliased path in unaliased form (albeit also unclean)
        'request' => url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'q' => 'node/1',
          'external' => TRUE,
        'return-code' => 301,
        'expected-path' => 'test-node',
      // NonClean to Clean check 2 --- This may or may not redirect, depending on the state of nonclean_to_clean as we're requesting an unaliased path
        'request' => url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'q' => 'node/add/page',
          'external' => TRUE,
        'return-code' => $settings['nonclean_to_clean'] ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => $settings['nonclean_to_clean'] ? 'node/add/page' : '?q=node/add/page',
      // Ensure that the NonClean to Clean with an external URL does not redirect.
        'request' => url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'q' => '',
          'external' => TRUE,
        'return-code' => 404,
        'request' => url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'q' => '',
          'external' => TRUE,
        'return-code' => 404,
      // Also test un-escaped query strings with external URLs.
        'request' => url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        )) . '?q=',
        'options' => array(
          'external' => TRUE,
        'return-code' => 404,
        'request' => url('<front>', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        )) . '?q=',
        'options' => array(
          'external' => TRUE,
        'return-code' => 404,
      // Test with external URLs in the destination query string.
        'request' => 'node/1',
        'options' => array(
          'query' => array(
            'destination' => '',
        'return-code' => 301,
        'expected-path' => url('test-node', array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
          'query' => array(
            'destination' => '',
      // Case Sensitive URL Check --- This may or may not redirect, depending on the state of case_sensitive_urls as we're requesting an aliased path in the wrong case
        'request' => 'Test-Node',
        'return-code' => $settings['case_sensitive_urls'] ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => $settings['case_sensitive_urls'] ? 'test-node' : 'Test-Node',
      // Term Path Handler Check --- This may or may not redirect, depending on the state of term_path_handler as we're requesting an aliased path with the wrong source
        'request' => 'taxonomy/term/1',
        // TODO: WE're assumeing term 1 is the forum tid created in setUp() - bad?
        'return-code' => $settings['term_path_handler'] ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => $settings['term_path_handler'] ? 'forum/1' : 'taxonomy/term/1',
      // Trailing Zero Check --- This may or may not redirect, depending on the state of trailing_zero, as we're requesting an aliased path with a trailing zero source
      // If 1, we trim ALL trailing /0... If 0 (disabled) or 2 (taxonomy term only), then a 200 response should be issued.
        'request' => 'node/1/0',
        'return-code' => $settings['trailing_zero'] == 1 ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => $settings['trailing_zero'] == 1 ? 'test-node' : 'node/1/0',
      // Trailing Zero Check --- This may or may not redirect, depending on the state of trailing_zero, as we're requesting an aliased path with a trailing zero source
      // If not disabled, then we should trim from taxonomy/term/1/0
        'request' => 'taxonomy/term/2/0',
        'return-code' => $settings['trailing_zero'] > 0 ? 301 : 200,
        'expected-path' => $settings['trailing_zero'] > 0 ? 'test-term' : 'taxonomy/term/2/0',
      // Regression test for 867654 - What happens to a term with a zero on the end
        'request' => 'taxonomy/term/10/0',
        'return-code' => $settings['trailing_zero'] > 0 ? 301 : 404,
        'expected-path' => $settings['trailing_zero'] > 0 ? 'taxonomy/term/10' : 'taxonomy/term/10/0',
      // Regression test for - term 10 does not exist
        'request' => 'admin',
        'return-code' => $settings['ignore_admin_path'] > 0 ? 200 : 301,
        // Ignoring the admin path means no src=>alias redirecting.
        'expected-path' => $settings['ignore_admin_path'] > 0 ? 'admin' : 'administration',

    // Foreach of the above, lets check they redirect correctly
    foreach ($test_paths as $id => $path) {

      // Overlay some defaults onto the path. This ensures 'options' is set as an array.
      $path += array(
        'options' => array(),

      // If the path doesn't have an absolute or alias setting, set them to TRUE.
      $path['options'] += array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'alias' => TRUE,

      // Build a URL from the path
      $request_path = url($path['request'], $path['options']);

      // Display a message telling the user what we're testing
      $info = array(
        '!id' => $id,
        '!url' => $request_path,
        ->pass(t(INFO_MESSAGE, $info), 'GlobalRedirect');

      // Do a HEAD request (don't care about the body). The alias=>TRUE is to tell Drupal not to lookup the alias - this is a raw request.
        ->drupalHead($request_path, array(
        'alias' => TRUE,

      // Grab the headers from the request
      $headers = $this

      // Build a nice array of results
      $result = array(
        '!expected_status' => $path['return-code'],
        '!location' => isset($headers[0]['location']) ? $headers[0]['location'] : 'N/A',
        '!status' => $headers[0][':status'],

      // If the expected result is not a redirect, then there is no expected path in the location header.
      if ($path['return-code'] != 301) {
        $result['!expected_path'] = 'N/A';
      else {

        //$url_options = $path['options'];
        $url_options = array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        if (isset($path['expected-path'])) {

          // If we have an expected path provided, use this and tell url() not to do an alias lookup
          $expected = $path['expected-path'];
          $url_options['alias'] = TRUE;
        else {

          // Otherwise set the path to the request and let url() do an alias lookup.
          $expected = $path['request'];
        $result['!expected_path'] = url($expected, $url_options);

      // First test - is the status as expected? (Note: The expected status must be cast to string for strpos to work)
      if (strpos($result['!status'], (string) $result['!expected_status']) !== FALSE) {

        // Ok, we have a status and the status contains the appropriate response code (eg, 200, 301, 403 or 404).
        // Next test (if expected return code is 301) - is the location set, and is it as expected?
        if ($result['!expected_status'] == 301 && $result['!location'] == $result['!expected_path']) {

          // We have redirect and ended up in the right place - a PASS!!!
            ->pass(t(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $result), 'GlobalRedirect');
        elseif ($result['!expected_status'] != 301) {

          // We weren't supposed to redirect - this is good!
            ->pass(t(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $result), 'GlobalRedirect');
        else {

          // In this case either the return-code or the returned location is unexpected
            ->fail(t(ERROR_MESSAGE, $result), 'GlobalRedirect');
            ->fail('<pre>' . print_r($headers, TRUE) . '</pre>');
      else {

        // The status either wasn't present or was not as expected
          ->fail(t(ERROR_MESSAGE, $result), 'GlobalRedirect');
          ->fail('<pre>' . print_r($headers, TRUE) . '</pre>');

class GlobalRedirectTestCaseDefault extends GlobalRedirectTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '1. Global Redirect - Default Settings',
      'description' => 'Ensure that Global Redirect functions correctly',
      'group' => 'Global Redirect',
  function testGlobalRedirect() {
    variable_set('globalredirect_settings', array(
      'deslash' => 1,
      'menu_check' => 0,
      'nonclean_to_clean' => 1,
      'case_sensitive_urls' => 1,
      'term_path_handler' => 0,
      'frontpage_redirect' => 1,
      'trailing_zero' => 0,
      'ignore_admin_path' => 1,

class GlobalRedirectTestCaseConfigAlpha extends GlobalRedirectTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '2. Global Redirect - Config Alpha',
      'description' => 'Ensure that Global Redirect functions correctly',
      'group' => 'Global Redirect',
  function testGlobalRedirect() {
    variable_set('globalredirect_settings', array(
      'deslash' => 0,
      'menu_check' => 1,
      'nonclean_to_clean' => 0,
      'case_sensitive_urls' => 0,
      'term_path_handler' => 1,
      'frontpage_redirect' => 0,
      'trailing_zero' => 1,
      'ignore_admin_path' => 0,




Namesort descending Description
GlobalRedirectTestCase @file Global Redirect functionality tests