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8 string references to 'globalredirect_settings' in Global Redirect 6

GlobalRedirectTestCaseConfigAlpha::testGlobalRedirect in ./globalredirect.test
GlobalRedirectTestCaseDefault::testGlobalRedirect in ./globalredirect.test
globalredirect_menu in ./globalredirect.module
Implements hook_menu().
globalredirect_settings_submit_reset in ./
Reset submit handler for the globalredirect_settings form. This simply deletes any overridden settings which forces the system to fallback to defaults
globalredirect_settings_submit_save in ./
Save submit handler for the globalredirect_settings form. Compares the submitted settings to the defaults and unsets any that are equal. This was we only store overrides.
globalredirect_uninstall in ./globalredirect.install
Implements hook_uninstall().
globalredirect_update_6101 in ./globalredirect.install
_globalredirect_get_settings in ./globalredirect.module
Return the settings with any defaults mapped over the top