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function globallink_get_xml in GlobalLink Connect for Drupal 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 \globallink_get_xml()
  2. 7.6 \globallink_get_xml()

Retrieves translation XML data.


object $node: The node data.

string $target_arr: Array of locales node is being translated into.

int $tnid: The node id for existing translations. Defaults to null.

int $tvid: The node vid for existing translations. Defaults to null.

string $name: The xml document name. Defaults to empty string.

bool $for_display: Indicate for display purposes only. Defaults to false.

Return value

string The node deleted status or the translation XML data.

2 calls to globallink_get_xml()
globallink_get_translations_for_row_id in ./
Gets GlobalLink translations by row ID.
globallink_send_for_translations in ./
Sends content to GlobalLink for translation.


./, line 1633


function globallink_get_xml($node, $target_arr, $tnid = NULL, $tvid = NULL, &$name = '', $for_display = FALSE) {
  if (is_null($node)) {
    return 'Source Deleted';
  elseif (!$node) {
    return 'Source Deleted';
  if ($node && is_object($node)) {
    if ($node->language != 'en') {
      $name = 'Node_' . $node->nid . '_Non_English' . $name;
    else {
      $name = globallink_format_file_name($node->title) . $name;
    $xml = globallink_generate_xml_document($node, $target_arr, $tnid, $tvid, $for_display);
    return $xml;
  return 'Source Deleted';