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function globallink_beans_dashboard in GlobalLink Connect for Drupal 7.7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.6 globallink_beans/ \globallink_beans_dashboard()

Builds forms on beans send dashboard.


string $type: The type of task we are working on.

Return value

array Array of forms for the beans send dashboard.

1 string reference to 'globallink_beans_dashboard'
globallink_beans_menu in globallink_beans/globallink_beans.module
Implements hook_menu().


globallink_beans/, line 18


function globallink_beans_dashboard($type) {
  $default_date = format_date(REQUEST_TIME + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, 'custom', 'm/d/Y');
  drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.datepicker');
  drupal_add_js('jQuery(function() {
    jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
        dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
        defaultDate: "' . $default_date . '",
        minDate: 0
  });', array(
    'group' => CSS_THEME,
    'type' => 'inline',
    'scope' => 'header',
    'weight' => 80,
  $_SESSION['globallink_selected_type'] = $type;
  $array = array();
  $array[] = drupal_get_form('globallink_beans_dashboard_filter_form');
  $array[] = drupal_get_form('globallink_beans_dashboard_pager_form');
  $array[] = drupal_get_form('globallink_beans_dashboard_form');
  return $array;