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class global_filter_plugin_argument_default_global_filter_field in Views Global Filter 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 views/ \global_filter_plugin_argument_default_global_filter_field
  2. 7 views/ \global_filter_plugin_argument_default_global_filter_field

Default argument plugin to extract the global filter value set for this contextual filter.

If the argument is a date or date range, it must be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD--YYYY-MM-DD Note the double hyphen.

If the Contextual Range Filter modules is enabled, ranges may also be used for numbers (integers, floats), lists, taxonomy terms, node and user ids...


Expanded class hierarchy of global_filter_plugin_argument_default_global_filter_field

1 string reference to 'global_filter_plugin_argument_default_global_filter_field'
global_filter_views_plugins in views/
Implements hook_views_plugins().


views/, line 17
Contains the Global Filter default argument plugin (field).

View source
class global_filter_plugin_argument_default_global_filter_field extends views_plugin_argument_default {

   * Get argument.
  public function get_argument() {
    $field_name = $views_field_name = $this->argument->field;

    // Where $views_field_name refers to a field it equals one of:
    // '<field_name>_value', '<field_name>_tid' or '<field_name>_fid'
    // For e.g. 'all'.
    $exception_value = $this->argument->options['exception']['value'];
    if (!($filter_key = global_filter_key_by_name($views_field_name))) {

      // Not found as a node property, maybe it's a field.
      if (empty($this->argument->definition['field_name'])) {
        return $exception_value;
      $field_name = $this->argument->definition['field_name'];

      /* @todo generalise this beyond AddressField
         $field = field_info_field($field_name);
         if ($field['type'] == 'addressfield') {
         $column = drupal_substr($views_field_name, strlen($field_name) + 1);
      $filter_key = global_filter_key_by_name($field_name);
    if ($filter_key) {
      $arg = global_filter_get_session_value($field_name);
      if (isset($arg) && $arg != '' && $arg != array(
      )) {

        // Don't reduce array(0) to empty.
        if (is_array($arg) && $arg != array(
        )) {

          // Removing empty entries may not be right when filter is numeric, i.e
          // a single digit 0 will be removed. However 00 will be interpreted
          // correctly as zero.
          $arg = array_filter($arg);

          // For Hierarchical select: always use deepest term. For other fields
          // it doesn't matter.
          $arg = array_reverse($arg);
          if (empty($arg)) {
            return $exception_value;
        if (is_string($arg)) {
          if ($field = field_info_field($field_name)) {

            // Handle taxonomy terms and list fields that were configured to
            // render as text fields. Convert the entered value back to a tid or
            // list key. Accept a string of values separated by plus signs.
            $args = explode('+', $arg);
            if ($field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') {
              $arg = array();
              $vocabulary = $field['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vocabulary'];
              foreach ($args as $value) {
                $arg[] = global_filter_get_tid($value, $vocabulary);
            elseif (strpos($field['type'], 'list_') === 0) {
              $arg = array();
              foreach ($args as $value) {
                $arg[] = global_filter_get_field_value_key($field, $value);
      else {
        $arg = $exception_value;

      // If the argument is multi-valued (combo-box, checkboxes or text field
      // with '+') string the values together separated by plus-signs.
      // Note this requires the user to tick "Allow multiple values" after
      // expanding the "More" fieldset on the Contextual Filter configuration
      // panel. Otherwise only the first of the values will be used.
      // Note:
      // Be careful with spaces: have seen "very cheap" interpreted as "cheap"
      return is_array($arg) ? implode('+', $arg) : $arg;

    // No filter key, field or node property not found.
    $view_name = empty($this->view->human_name) ? $this->view->name : $this->view->human_name;
    drupal_set_message(t('The view %view specifies a global filter field, %name, as its default contextual filter. However there is no associated <strong>Global Filter block</strong> for %name. Please configure a global filter <a href="admin/structure/block">here</a> or remove this contextual filter from the view.', array(
      '%view' => $view_name,
      '%name' => $views_field_name,
    )), 'warning', FALSE);
    return $exception_value;

