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function global_filter_slidebox_data_alter in Views Global Filter 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 plugins/ \global_filter_slidebox_data_alter()

Implements hook_slidebox_data_alter().

Relies on an auto-cycle view to return a list of node ids that will have the slidebox feature enabled. The view may be filtered by vocabulary, content type, modification date (e.g., only recently commented content) etc. For each node the "next post" mentioned in the slidebox is the next node in the view, so make sure your view results are in the order you want them.

See also



plugins/, line 18, plugin for slidebox module


function global_filter_slidebox_data_alter(&$node_details, $view_mode) {
  if ($view_mode == 'full' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {

    // If there's no auto-cycle view, follow normal Slidebox behaviour.
    $view_id = drupal_substr(global_filter_get_module_parameter('view_autocycle'), 5);
    if (!views_get_view($view_id)) {
      return FALSE;
    $nid = arg(1);
    $next_nid = global_filter_get_view_next_value($nid, $view_id);
    if ($next_nid && ($next_node = node_load($next_nid))) {
      $node_details['nid'] = $next_node->nid;
      $node_details['title'] = $next_node->title;
    else {

      // Don't show slidebox.
      $node_details = FALSE;