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function global_filter_get_module_parameter in Views Global Filter 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \global_filter_get_module_parameter()

Return value of a module configuration parameter, as set via the admin UI.

Note that there is no global_filter_set_module_parameter() function. All module parameters are set via the UI on admin/config/content/global_filter.


string $name: name of the parameter on the admin config page.

mixed $default: value to return if the parameter hasn't been set yet

Return value

mixed value, maybe a number, string or array.

13 calls to global_filter_get_module_parameter()
global_filter_admin_config in ./
Menu callback for admin settings.
global_filter_block_info in ./
Implements hook_block_info().
global_filter_create_links_widget in widgets/
Create links widget.
global_filter_create_widget in ./
Based on the requested or field-implied widget.
global_filter_debug in ./global_filter.module
Custom debug function.

... See full list


./, line 32


function global_filter_get_module_parameter($name, $default = NULL) {
  return variable_get('global_filter_' . $name, $default);