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global_filter.module in Views Global Filter 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 global_filter.module
  2. 6 global_filter.module


Creates global selector widgets for fields, eg 'Country', a proximity, a search term or terms, or the results of a View.

Stores the user-selected value, e.g., 'Australia', in a session cache so that it can be passed as a contextual filter argument to any number of Views or picked up by third-party modules to do something with.


View source

 * @file
 * global_filter.module
 * Creates global selector widgets for fields, eg 'Country', a proximity, a
 * search term or terms, or the results of a View.
 * Stores the user-selected value, e.g., 'Australia', in a session cache so that
 * it can be passed as a contextual filter argument to any number of Views
 * or picked up by third-party modules to do something with.
module_load_include('inc', 'global_filter', '');
module_load_include('inc', 'global_filter', 'global_filter.blocks');
module_load_include('inc', 'global_filter', 'global_filter.widgets');
if (module_exists('slidebox')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'global_filter', 'plugins/slidebox');

 * Implements hook_help().
function global_filter_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#global_filter':
      $t = t('Configuration and usage instructions are in this <a href="@README">README</a> file.<br/>Known issues and solutions may be found on the <a href="@global_filter">Global Filter</a> project page.', array(
        '@README' => url(drupal_get_path('module', 'global_filter') . '/README.txt'),
        '@global_filter' => url(''),
  return empty($t) ? '' : '<p>' . $t . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_init().
 * For any of the code in this function to work, the global filter blocks
 * in question need to be defined, but do not have to be visible and may be
 * placed in the <none> region.
function global_filter_init() {
  if (isset($_REQUEST['clear-global-filters'])) {
    $filter_names = explode(',', $_REQUEST['clear-global-filters']);
  foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $filter_key => $filter) {
    if (!empty($filter['name'])) {
      $name = $filter['name'];
      if (!empty($_POST['from_links_widget']) && $_POST['from_links_widget'] == $name) {
        global_filter_set_on_session($name, explode(',', check_plain($_POST[$name])));
      elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$name]) && is_string($_REQUEST[$name]) && !isset($_POST[$name])) {

        // URL parameter, if present, overrides all of the below.
        // Example:,7,12
        global_filter_set_on_session($name, explode(',', $_REQUEST[$name]));
      else {
        $value = global_filter_get_session_value($name);
        if (!isset($value)) {

          // No value set for this session, eg at logout when a blank session
          // gets created for the now anonymous user.
          $default = global_filter_get_global_default($filter_key);
          global_filter_debug(t('Global Filter %name not set: setting default...', array(
            '%name' => $name,

          // Could still be empty.
          global_filter_set_on_session($name, $default);

  // Now that we've dealt with the special cases, make sure that filter blocks
  // and session data are available before anything else on the page needs
  // these.
  $active_blocks = array();
  $visible_filters_only = global_filter_get_module_parameter('visible_filters_only', FALSE);
  $active_filters = global_filter_active_filter_names($visible_filters_only);
  foreach ($active_filters as $key => $name) {
    $block_id = global_filter_get_parameter($key, 'block');
    $active_blocks[$block_id][] = $key;

  // Once rendered each block is cached by global_filter_block_view(). So there
  // is no CPU overhead in rendering a block here and then have
  // global_filter_block_view() called once more by core at a later point.
  foreach ($active_blocks as $block_id => $keys) {

  // Auto-cycle filter.
  if (global_filter_get_module_parameter('view_autocycle_every_click')) {

 * Implements hook_menu().
 * Define Global Filter menu options.
function global_filter_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/content/global_filter'] = array(
    'title' => 'Views Global Filter',
    'description' => 'Set the number of global filters you need. Configure interaction with user profiles. Advanced settings.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_user_login().
 * Set global filters from the user profile, if present.
 * Supports both core and Profile2 profiles.
function global_filter_user_login(&$edit, $account, $category) {
  $previous_session_filters = global_filter_get_session_value();
  $is_set_from_profile = global_filter_get_module_parameter('set_from_profile_on_login', TRUE);
  foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $key => $filter) {
    if (!empty($filter['name'])) {
      $name = $filter['name'];
      if ($is_set_from_profile) {
        $default = global_filter_user_profile_field($name, $account);
        if (isset($default)) {
          global_filter_debug(t('Global Filter %name: copying default from user profile...', array(
            '%name' => $name,
          global_filter_set_on_session($name, $default);
      if (isset($previous_session_filters[$name])) {
        $default = $previous_session_filters[$name];
        global_filter_debug(t('Global Filter %name: no value on user profile (or not requested), so using value from previous session: %value', array(
          '%name' => $name,
          '%value' => is_array($default) ? implode('+', $default) : (empty($default) ? t('"all"') : $default),
      else {
        $default = global_filter_get_global_default($key);
        global_filter_debug(t('Global Filter %name: no value on previous session or user profile (or not requested), so using global default...', array(
          '%name' => $name,
        global_filter_set_on_session($name, $default);

 * Retrieve the supplied field value(s) from the user profile.
function global_filter_user_profile_field($field_name, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (empty($account)) {
    $account = $user;

  // The first occurrence of field_name, on either one of their profile2 or core
  // user profiles will be used to return field values from.
  if (module_exists('profile2')) {
    $profiles = profile2_load_by_user($account);
    foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
      if ($items = field_get_items('profile2', $profile, $field_name)) {
  if (empty($items)) {
    $account = user_load($account->uid);

    // To also load core profile fields.
    $items = field_get_items('user', $account, $field_name);
  if (empty($items)) {
    return NULL;
  $field_values = array();
  foreach ($items as $value) {
    $field_values[] = isset($value['value']) ? $value['value'] : reset($value);
  return count($field_values) > 1 ? $field_values : reset($field_values);

 * Get the global default for the filter by the supplied name or index.
 * @param string $name_or_key
 *   The name or key of the filter
function global_filter_get_global_default($name_or_key) {
  if (is_numeric($name_or_key)) {
    $key = $name_or_key;
  elseif (!($key = global_filter_key_by_name($name_or_key))) {

  // Trying the textarea for PHP code first...
  $default = global_filter_get_parameter($key, 'global_php_default');
  if (strpos($default, '<?php') === 0 && module_exists('php')) {
    $default = php_eval($default);
  if (empty($default)) {

    // No default value delivered by PHP field. Take it from the global
    // filter block configuration default selector.
    $default = global_filter_get_parameter($key, 'global_field_or_view_default');
  return $default;

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * For core, Profile2 and Profile2 Pages modules.
function global_filter_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'user_profile_form' || strpos($form_id, 'profile2_edit_') === 0) {
    if (global_filter_get_module_parameter('set_from_profile_on_submit', FALSE)) {

      // Append our own submit handler in addition to user_profile_form_submit()
      // or profile2_form_submit_handler() and profile2_form_submit()
      $form['#submit'][] = 'global_filter_user_profile_form_submit';

 * Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
 * Removes the Global Filter for proximity from the form where not applicable.
function global_filter_form_views_ui_config_item_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['handler']->handler_type == 'argument') {
    $definition = $form_state['handler']->definition;
    if ($definition['handler'] == 'location_handler_argument_location_proximity') {

      // Location module proximity contextual filter: keep Global Filter
      // Proximity.

    // Use if ($definition['handler'] == 'geofield_handler_argument_proximity')?
    if (isset($definition['field_name']) && ($field = field_info_field($definition['field_name'])) && $field['type'] == 'geofield') {

      // Geofield module proximity contextual filter. Keep Global Filter
      // Proximity.

    // For all other modules the filter is not defined/supported.

 * Additional handler for when the user_profile_form is submitted.
 * Sets the global filters as per the user profile. Includes profile2.
 * Gets called only if so configured on the Global Filter configuration page.
 * @param array $form
 *   the form
 * @param array $form_state
 *   the form state
function global_filter_user_profile_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $filter) {
    if (!empty($filter['name'])) {
      $name = $filter['name'];
      $default = global_filter_user_profile_field($name);
      if (isset($default)) {
        global_filter_debug(t('Global Filter %name: setting value from user profile...', array(
          '%name' => $name,
        global_filter_set_on_session($name, $default);

 * Set all or the supplied global filters back to their global defaults.
 * @param array $names
 *   The filter names
function global_filter_clear_filters($names = array()) {
  if (empty($names) || $names == 'all') {
    $names = array();
    foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $filter) {
      $names[] = $filter['name'];
  foreach ($names as $name) {
    global_filter_set_on_session($name, global_filter_get_global_default($name));

 * In the supplied view return the successor to the supplied reference value.
 * @param int $ref_base_value
 *   the base field value e.g., nid, uid, whose successor is to be found and
 *   returned based on the supplied view
 * @param string $view_id
 *   the machine_name of the view to be evaluated; defaults to the view set in
 *   the 'global_filter_view_autocycle' variable
 * @return mixed
 *   next value of the specified view; this will be the first value if
 *   $ref_base_value is empty
function global_filter_get_view_next_value($ref_base_value = NULL, $view_id = NULL) {
  if ($ref_base_value == NULL) {
    $ref_base_value = global_filter_get_session_value('view_autocycle');
  if (empty($view_id)) {
    $view_id = global_filter_get_module_parameter('view_autocycle');

    // String prefix=='view_'.
    $view_id = drupal_substr($view_id, 5);
  $view = views_get_view($view_id);
  if (!is_object($view)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Global Filter: auto-cycle filter could not find view: %view.', array(
      '%view' => empty($view_id) ? t('no name specified') : $view_id,
    )), 'error');
    return $ref_base_value;
  if (empty($view->result)) {
    return $ref_base_value;

  // Find $ref_view_value in the view result set; must be a base-field.
  foreach ($view->result as $row) {
    if ($row->{$view->base_field} == $ref_base_value) {

      // Current will give us next...
      $next_row = current($view->result);
  if (empty($next_row)) {
    if (isset($ref_base_value)) {

      // Reference value was set, but not found.
      return FALSE;

    // Return first view result.
    $next_row = reset($view->result);
  $value = $next_row->{$view->base_field};
  global_filter_set_on_session('view_autocycle', $value);
  return $value;

 * Remove a deleted global filter from any view using it as a contextual filter.
 * Note: because the same field/view may be used in more than one block and
 * passed to the same view as a contextual filter (e.g top and bottom of the
 * same page), it is not entirely correct to always remove it as a contextual
 * filter. Should really check if the same argument is used in more than one
 * global filter.... @todo
 * @param string $name
 *   name of the filter
function global_filter_remove_default_filter_from_views($name) {
  if (!module_exists('views')) {
  $views = views_get_all_views();

  // Go through all Views and delete the default global filter if it exists.
  foreach ($views as $view) {
    foreach ($view->display as $display_name => $display) {
      if (!empty($display->display_options['arguments'])) {
        $arguments = $display->display_options['arguments'];
        if (isset($arguments[$name])) {
          $full_name = $name;
        elseif (isset($arguments[$name . '_value'])) {
          $full_name = $name . '_value';
        elseif (isset($arguments[$name . '_tid'])) {
          $full_name = $name . '_tid';
        if (!empty($full_name) && !empty($arguments[$full_name]['default_argument_type']) && strpos($arguments[$full_name]['default_argument_type'], 'global_filter') !== FALSE) {
          drupal_set_message(t('As the global filter %filter was deleted, it was removed as the contextual default from the view %view.', array(
            '%filter' => $name,
            '%view' => empty($view->human_name) ? $view->name : $view->human_name,

 * Return an array of node properties supported by Views.
 * Properties are pieces of data common to all node types. This list was
 * hard-coded as it was pre-filtered by common sense. Some properties, like node
 * comment count, aren't very useful as global filters.
 * Note that 'body' is not a property, it is a field.
 * @return array
 *   indexed alphabetically by machine name as used in Views.
function global_filter_get_node_properties() {
  $node_properties =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($node_properties)) {
    $node_properties = array(
      'changed_fulldate' => t('Updated date (CCYYMMDD)'),
      'changed_month' => t('Updated month (MM)'),
      'changed_year' => t('Updated year (YYYY)'),
      'changed_year_month' => t('Updated year + month (YYYYMM)'),
      'created_fulldate' => t('Created date (CCYYMMDD)'),
      'created_month' => t('Created month (MM)'),
      'created_year' => t('Created year (YYYY)'),
      'created_year_month' => t('Created year + month (YYYYMM)'),
      'nid' => t('Node id'),
      'title' => t('Title'),
      'type' => t('Type'),
      'uid_touch' => t('User posted or commented'),
      'vid' => t('Revision id'),
    $prefix = t('Content');
    foreach ($node_properties as $key => $label) {
      $node_properties[$key] = $prefix . ': ' . $label;
  return $node_properties;

 * Get filter key by name.
function global_filter_key_by_name($name) {
  foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $filter_key => $filter) {
    if ($filter['name'] == $name) {
      return $filter_key;
  return FALSE;

 * Returns names of all views that have "Show: Fields" set.
 * @return array
 *   array of View names, indexed by view_id
function global_filter_get_view_names() {
  $views = array();
  foreach (views_get_all_views() as $view) {
    $view_name = empty($view->human_name) ? $view->name : $view->human_name;
    if (isset($view->display['default']->display_options['fields'])) {
      $views['view_' . $view->name] = t('View') . ': ' . $view_name;
  return $views;

 * Returns a list of view names that are currently used as global filters.
 * @return array
 *   array of View names, indexed by filter name.
function global_filter_get_used_view_names() {
  $views = array();
  foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $filter) {
    if (!empty($filter['uses_view'])) {
      $view_name = drupal_substr($filter['name'], 5);
      if ($view = views_get_view($view_name)) {
        $views[$filter['name']] = t('View') . ': ' . (empty($view->human_name) ? $view->name : $view->human_name);
  $autocycle_filter_name = global_filter_get_module_parameter('view_autocycle');
  if (!empty($autocycle_filter_name)) {
    $view_name = drupal_substr($autocycle_filter_name, 5);
    if ($view = views_get_view($view_name)) {
      $views['view_autocycle'] = t('Auto-cycle View') . ': ' . (empty($view->human_name) ? $view->name : $view->human_name);
  return $views;

 * Utility function to convert a term name to its associated taxonomy term id.
 * @param string $term_name
 *   e.g., 'Amsterdam'
 * @param string $vocabulary_machine_name
 *   (optional) e.g., 'city' or simply omit, if known to be unique
 * @return int|string
 *   The term id if found, otherwise the term name that was passed in.
function global_filter_get_tid($term_name, $vocabulary_machine_name = NULL) {
  if (!module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Global Filter: you must enable the Taxonomy module in order to use function %name.', array(
      '%name' => 'global_filter_get_tid()',
    )), 'error');
    return '';
  foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vid => $vocabulary) {
    if (empty($vocabulary_machine_name) || $vocabulary_machine_name == $vocabulary->machine_name) {
      foreach (taxonomy_get_tree($vid) as $term) {
        if ($term_name == $term->name) {
          return $term->tid;
  return $term_name;

 * Utility function to convert a list field value to its associated key.
 * @param object $field
 *   field object as obtained via field_info_field($field_name).
 * @param string $value
 *   e.g., '$100 - $200'
 * @return string
 *   key, e.g., 'medium' or 3
function global_filter_get_field_value_key($field, $value) {
  if (!empty($field['settings'])) {
    $function = $field['settings']['allowed_values_function'];
    if (!empty($function) && function_exists($function)) {
      $values = $function($field);
    else {
      $values = $field['settings']['allowed_values'];
    if (!empty($values)) {
      foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
        if ($val == $value) {
          return $key;

  // Key not found, return original argument.
  return $value;

 * Implements MODULE_preprocess().
 * Adds classes to each page's <body> tag reflecting the values of the global
 * filters currently set. This alllows us to affect the rendering of various
 * elements on the page through CSS, e.g., to display or hide elements based on
 * the current value of a global filter.
function global_filter_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) {
  if ($hook == 'html') {
    $filter_names = global_filter_active_filter_names(FALSE);
    if (!empty($filter_names)) {
      $gf_classes = array(
      $filters = global_filter_get_session_value();
      foreach ($filter_names as $name) {

        // Include filter name by itself as a class so that selectors
        // can be targeted on the mere presence of a global filter block.
        $gf_classes[] = drupal_html_class($name);
        if (isset($filters[$name])) {

          // Filter is visible AND is set.
          if (is_object($filters[$name])) {
            $gf_classes[] = drupal_html_class($name) . '-' . implode('-', (array) $filters[$name]);
          if (is_array($filters[$name])) {
            if (count($filters[$name]) > 1) {
              $value = implode('-', $filters[$name]);
            else {
              $value = reset($filters[$name]);
          else {
            $value = $filters[$name];

          // Note that value may be numeric so must be preceded by letters to
          // be valid CSS.
          $gf_classes[] = drupal_html_class("{$name}-{$value}");
      $variables['classes_array'] = array_merge($variables['classes_array'], $gf_classes);

 * Returns a list of all filter names or only those visible on the current page.
function global_filter_active_filter_names($visible_only = FALSE) {
  $filter_names = array();
  if (empty($visible_only)) {

    // Find all filters regardless.
    foreach (global_filter_get_parameter(NULL) as $key => $filter) {
      if (!empty($filter['name'])) {
        $filter_names[$key] = $filter['name'];
  else {

    // Find filters in VISIBLE blocks only.
    $all_blocks = _block_load_blocks();
    foreach ($all_blocks as $region_blocks) {
      foreach ($region_blocks as $block) {
        if ($block->visibility && $block->module == 'global_filter') {
          $block_number = drupal_substr($block->delta, -1);
          foreach (global_filter_get_filters_for_block($block_number) as $key => $filter) {
            if (!in_array($filter['name'], $filter_names)) {
              $filter_names[$key] = $filter['name'];
  return $filter_names;

 * Return an associative array of all the global filter names.
function global_filter_active_filter_names_list() {
  return drupal_map_assoc(global_filter_active_filter_names());

 * Custom debug function.
function global_filter_debug($message) {
  global $user;
  $user_names = explode(',', check_plain(global_filter_get_module_parameter('show_debug_messages')));
  foreach ($user_names as $user_name) {
    $user_name = drupal_strtolower(trim($user_name));
    $match = isset($user->name) ? $user_name == drupal_strtolower(trim($user->name)) : $user_name == 'anon' || $user_name == 'anonymous';
    if ($match) {

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function global_filter_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => views_api_version(),
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'global_filter') . '/views',


Namesort descending Description
global_filter_active_filter_names Returns a list of all filter names or only those visible on the current page.
global_filter_active_filter_names_list Return an associative array of all the global filter names.
global_filter_clear_filters Set all or the supplied global filters back to their global defaults.
global_filter_debug Custom debug function.
global_filter_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
global_filter_form_views_ui_config_item_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
global_filter_get_field_value_key Utility function to convert a list field value to its associated key.
global_filter_get_global_default Get the global default for the filter by the supplied name or index.
global_filter_get_node_properties Return an array of node properties supported by Views.
global_filter_get_tid Utility function to convert a term name to its associated taxonomy term id.
global_filter_get_used_view_names Returns a list of view names that are currently used as global filters.
global_filter_get_view_names Returns names of all views that have "Show: Fields" set.
global_filter_get_view_next_value In the supplied view return the successor to the supplied reference value.
global_filter_help Implements hook_help().
global_filter_init Implements hook_init().
global_filter_key_by_name Get filter key by name.
global_filter_menu Implements hook_menu().
global_filter_preprocess Implements MODULE_preprocess().
global_filter_remove_default_filter_from_views Remove a deleted global filter from any view using it as a contextual filter.
global_filter_user_login Implements hook_user_login().
global_filter_user_profile_field Retrieve the supplied field value(s) from the user profile.
global_filter_user_profile_form_submit Additional handler for when the user_profile_form is submitted.
global_filter_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
