function _getlocations_feeds_fields in Get Locations 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 modules/getlocations_feeds/getlocations_feeds.module \_getlocations_feeds_fields()
Helper function to get to manage target fields
Return value
array of key/value field name/field label
1 call to _getlocations_feeds_fields()
- getlocations_feeds_feeds_processor_targets_alter in modules/
getlocations_feeds/ getlocations_feeds.module - Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
- modules/
getlocations_feeds/ getlocations_feeds.module, line 78 - getlocations_feeds.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL
function _getlocations_feeds_fields() {
static $fields;
if (isset($fields)) {
return $fields;
$fields =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . '_fields', array());
if (empty($fields)) {
$getlocations_fields_defaults = getlocations_fields_defaults();
$fields = $getlocations_fields_defaults['columns'];
$fields += getlocations_fields_data_keys();
return $fields;