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README.txt in Get Locations 7

The Getlocations_blocks module provides some blocks with a form to help search
the Getlocations_fields table. It works in conjunction with the following views:

Getlocations by city

Getlocations by province

Getlocations by postcode

Getlocations by country

A good way to work with these is to enable the view, clone it
and then disable the original. You can then set up the clone to your liking.

Once the view is set up you can configure the relevant block.
You can use either a Dropdown or an Autocomplete.
The Dropdown makes the most sense where there are only a few choices, eg less than 50

If you changed the path to the page in the view you will need to set this
in the block as well.

Each form is fully themed so you can alter it using the usual theming methods.
Each block is wrapped in a div which you can control with css.

The blocks can be filtered on fieldname or content type, in both cases
you will need to know the machine name.

Getlocations Blocks can be themed by copying the relevant function to your theme's template.php,
renaming it in the usual manner.
theme_getlocations_blocks_city_form() becomes MYTHEME_getlocations_blocks_city_form() where MYTHEME is the name of your theme.
You can edit it there to suit your needs.

These functions can be found in the file getlocations_blocks.module

The functions theme_getlocations_blocks_city_form(), theme_getlocations_blocks_province_form(),
theme_getlocations_blocks_postalcode_form() and theme_getlocations_blocks_country_form()
can be used to theme the city, province, postalcode and country blocks respectively.


View source
  1. The Getlocations_blocks module provides some blocks with a form to help search
  2. the Getlocations_fields table. It works in conjunction with the following views:
  3. Getlocations by city
  4. Getlocations by province
  5. Getlocations by postcode
  6. Getlocations by country
  7. A good way to work with these is to enable the view, clone it
  8. and then disable the original. You can then set up the clone to your liking.
  9. Once the view is set up you can configure the relevant block.
  10. You can use either a Dropdown or an Autocomplete.
  11. The Dropdown makes the most sense where there are only a few choices, eg less than 50
  12. If you changed the path to the page in the view you will need to set this
  13. in the block as well.
  14. Each form is fully themed so you can alter it using the usual theming methods.
  15. Each block is wrapped in a div which you can control with css.
  16. The blocks can be filtered on fieldname or content type, in both cases
  17. you will need to know the machine name.
  18. Theming.
  19. Getlocations Blocks can be themed by copying the relevant function to your theme's template.php,
  20. renaming it in the usual manner.
  21. eg
  22. theme_getlocations_blocks_city_form() becomes MYTHEME_getlocations_blocks_city_form() where MYTHEME is the name of your theme.
  23. You can edit it there to suit your needs.
  24. These functions can be found in the file getlocations_blocks.module
  25. The functions theme_getlocations_blocks_city_form(), theme_getlocations_blocks_province_form(),
  26. theme_getlocations_blocks_postalcode_form() and theme_getlocations_blocks_country_form()
  27. can be used to theme the city, province, postalcode and country blocks respectively.