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infobubble_options.txt in Get Locations 7

 * copy infobubble_options.txt to infobubble_options.js to override infobubble settings

 * Help
 * "shadowStyle"                Options: 0 (no shadow), 1 (default shadow), 2 (sharp shadow) Default is 1
 * "padding"                    Like the css property, the padding of the bubble. Default is 10
 * "borderRadius"               Like the css property, the radius of the bubble\'s corners. Default is 10
 * "borderWidth"                Like the css property, the width in pixels of the border. Default is 1
 * "borderColor"                Like the css property, the hex or rgb color of the border. Default is #ccc
 * "backgroundColor"            This is the background of the content of the bubble, but NOT the entire bubble itself. Default is #fff
 * "bubbleBackgroundClassName"  A css class for the entire bubble.
 * "minWidth"                   Like the css property, the minimum width of the bubble. Default is 50
 * "maxWidth"                   Like the css property, the maximum width of the bubble.
 * "minHeight"                  Like the css property, the minimum height of the bubble.
 * "maxHeight"                  Like the css property, the maximum height of the bubble.
 * "arrowSize"                  The width of the pointer arrow. NOTE: if you choose an arrow style that only uses half of the arrow, this number will be twice as wide as your arrow at its widest point.
 * "arrowPosition"              The percent from the left of the bubble where the arrow will appear.
 * "arrowStyle"                 Options: 0 (full triangle), 1 (half triangle leaning left), 2 (half triangle leaning right) Default is 0
 * "closeImage"                 The url of the image to use as the close button for the bubble
 * "closeCursor"                Like the css property, the style of the cursor as it hovers over your close image. Default is pointer.
 * "closeZIndex"                Like the css property, the z-index of the close image. Default is 0.
 * "closeBorder"                Like the css property, the border style of the close image. Default is none.
 * "closeHeight"                The height of the close image. Default is 12px.
 * "closeWidth"                 The width of the close image. Default is 12px.
 * "closePosition"              Like the css property, the position the close image. Default is absolute.

// defaults
var infoBubbleOptions = {
  backgroundColor: '#fff',
  borderColor: '#ccc',
  borderRadius: 10,
  borderWidth: 1,
  padding: 10,
  arrowPosition: 50,
  disableAutoPan: false,
  disableAnimation: false,
  minWidth: 50,
  shadowStyle: 1,
  arrowSize: 15,
  arrowStyle: 0
// example overrides
//infoBubbleOptions.backgroundColor = '#FFFFE0';
//infoBubbleOptions.borderColor = '#DADADA';
//infoBubbleOptions.minWidth = 250;
//infoBubbleOptions.minHeight = 200;
//infoBubbleOptions.maxWidth = 350;
//infoBubbleOptions.maxHeight = 300;


View source
  1. /**
  2. * copy infobubble_options.txt to infobubble_options.js to override infobubble settings
  3. *
  4. */
  5. /**
  6. * Help
  7. * "shadowStyle" Options: 0 (no shadow), 1 (default shadow), 2 (sharp shadow) Default is 1
  8. * "padding" Like the css property, the padding of the bubble. Default is 10
  9. * "borderRadius" Like the css property, the radius of the bubble\'s corners. Default is 10
  10. * "borderWidth" Like the css property, the width in pixels of the border. Default is 1
  11. * "borderColor" Like the css property, the hex or rgb color of the border. Default is #ccc
  12. * "backgroundColor" This is the background of the content of the bubble, but NOT the entire bubble itself. Default is #fff
  13. * "bubbleBackgroundClassName" A css class for the entire bubble.
  14. * "minWidth" Like the css property, the minimum width of the bubble. Default is 50
  15. * "maxWidth" Like the css property, the maximum width of the bubble.
  16. * "minHeight" Like the css property, the minimum height of the bubble.
  17. * "maxHeight" Like the css property, the maximum height of the bubble.
  18. * "arrowSize" The width of the pointer arrow. NOTE: if you choose an arrow style that only uses half of the arrow, this number will be twice as wide as your arrow at its widest point.
  19. * "arrowPosition" The percent from the left of the bubble where the arrow will appear.
  20. * "arrowStyle" Options: 0 (full triangle), 1 (half triangle leaning left), 2 (half triangle leaning right) Default is 0
  21. * "closeImage" The url of the image to use as the close button for the bubble
  22. * "closeCursor" Like the css property, the style of the cursor as it hovers over your close image. Default is pointer.
  23. * "closeZIndex" Like the css property, the z-index of the close image. Default is 0.
  24. * "closeBorder" Like the css property, the border style of the close image. Default is none.
  25. * "closeHeight" The height of the close image. Default is 12px.
  26. * "closeWidth" The width of the close image. Default is 12px.
  27. * "closePosition" Like the css property, the position the close image. Default is absolute.
  28. */
  29. // defaults
  30. var infoBubbleOptions = {
  31. backgroundColor: '#fff',
  32. borderColor: '#ccc',
  33. borderRadius: 10,
  34. borderWidth: 1,
  35. padding: 10,
  36. arrowPosition: 50,
  37. disableAutoPan: false,
  38. disableAnimation: false,
  39. minWidth: 50,
  40. shadowStyle: 1,
  41. arrowSize: 15,
  42. arrowStyle: 0
  43. };
  44. // example overrides
  45. //infoBubbleOptions.backgroundColor = '#FFFFE0';
  46. //infoBubbleOptions.borderColor = '#DADADA';
  47. //infoBubbleOptions.minWidth = 250;
  48. //infoBubbleOptions.minHeight = 200;
  49. //infoBubbleOptions.maxWidth = 350;
  50. //infoBubbleOptions.maxHeight = 300;