function getlocations_element_map_baselayers in Get Locations 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.2 getlocations.module \getlocations_element_map_baselayers()
- 7.2 getlocations.module \getlocations_element_map_baselayers()
- 7 getlocations.module \getlocations_element_map_baselayers()
1 call to getlocations_element_map_baselayers()
- ./
getlocations.module, line 1345 - Displays locations on a map. for Drupal 6 using version 3 googlemaps API
function getlocations_element_map_baselayers($view, $default) {
// Map Satellite Hybrid Physical
if ($view == 'Map') {
$title = t('Standard street map');
$description = t('The standard default street map.');
elseif ($view == 'Satellite') {
$title = t('Standard satellite map');
$description = t('Satellite view without street overlay.');
elseif ($view == 'Hybrid') {
$title = t('Hybrid satellite map');
$description = t('Satellite view with street overlay.');
elseif ($view == 'Physical') {
$title = t('Terrain map');
$description = t('Map with physical data (terrain, vegetation.)');
if ($title) {
$element = getlocations_element_map_checkbox($title, $default, $description);
return $element;
return FALSE;