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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Geo Time Zone 8.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
CountryTimezone final class Drupal\geotimezone src/CountryTimezone.php Holds the list of time zone based on country code.
GeoTimezone final class Drupal\geotimezone src/GeoTimezone.php Determine the time zone based on coordinates.
RegionTimezone final class Drupal\geotimezone src/RegionTimezone.php Holds the list of time zone based on region code and region name.
Timezone final class Drupal\geotimezone src/Timezone.php Holds the list of time zone identifiers and UTC/GMT offsets.
TimezoneInterface interface Drupal\geotimezone src/TimezoneInterface.php Provides an interface for different means to get time zone. 4
TimezonePolygon class Drupal\geotimezone src/TimezonePolygon.php Computes if given coordinates are inside the time zone polygon.

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