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postgis.php in geoPHP 7

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  1. 8 geoPHP/tests/postgis.php


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// Uncomment to test

# run_test();
function run_test() {
  header("Content-type: text");
  include_once '../';

  // Your database test table should contain 3 columns: name (text), type (text), geom (geometry)
  $host = 'localhost';
  $database = 'phayes';
  $table = 'test';
  $column = 'geom';
  $user = 'phayes';
  $pass = 'supersecret';
  $connection = pg_connect("host={$host} dbname={$database} user={$user} password={$pass}");

  // Truncate
  pg_query($connection, "DELETE FROM {$table}");

  // Working with PostGIS and EWKB
  // ----------------------------
  foreach (scandir('./input') as $file) {
    $parts = explode('.', $file);
    if ($parts[0]) {
      $name = $parts[0];
      $format = $parts[1];
      $value = file_get_contents('./input/' . $file);
      print '---- Testing ' . $file . "\n";
      $geometry = geoPHP::load($value, $format);
      test_postgis($name, $format, $geometry, $connection, 'wkb');
      test_postgis($name, $format, $geometry, $connection, 'ewkb');
  print "Testing Done!";
function test_postgis($name, $type, $geom, $connection, $format) {
  global $table;

  // Let's insert into the database using GeomFromWKB
  $insert_string = pg_escape_bytea($geom
  pg_query($connection, "INSERT INTO {$table} (name, type, geom) values ('{$name}', '{$type}', GeomFromWKB('{$insert_string}'))");

  // SELECT using asBinary PostGIS
  $result = pg_fetch_all(pg_query($connection, "SELECT asBinary(geom) as geom FROM {$table} WHERE name='{$name}'"));
  foreach ($result as $item) {
    $wkb = pg_unescape_bytea($item['geom']);

    // Make sure to unescape the hex blob
    $geom = geoPHP::load($wkb, $format);

    // We now a full geoPHP Geometry object

  // SELECT and INSERT directly, with no wrapping functions
  $result = pg_fetch_all(pg_query($connection, "SELECT geom as geom FROM {$table} WHERE name='{$name}'"));
  foreach ($result as $item) {
    $wkb = pack('H*', $item['geom']);

    // Unpacking the hex blob
    $geom = geoPHP::load($wkb, $format);

    // We now have a geoPHP Geometry
    // Let's re-insert directly into postGIS
    // We need to unpack the WKB
    $unpacked = unpack('H*', $geom
    $insert_string = $unpacked[1];
    pg_query($connection, "INSERT INTO {$table} (name, type, geom) values ('{$name}', '{$type}', '{$insert_string}')");

  // SELECT and INSERT using as EWKT (ST_GeomFromEWKT and ST_AsEWKT)
  $result = pg_fetch_all(pg_query($connection, "SELECT ST_AsEWKT(geom) as geom FROM {$table} WHERE name='{$name}'"));
  foreach ($result as $item) {
    $wkt = $item['geom'];

    // Make sure to unescape the hex blob
    $geom = geoPHP::load($wkt, 'ewkt');

    // We now a full geoPHP Geometry object
    // Let's re-insert directly into postGIS
    $insert_string = $geom
    pg_query($connection, "INSERT INTO {$table} (name, type, geom) values ('{$name}', '{$type}', ST_GeomFromEWKT('{$insert_string}'))");


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