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static function geoPHP::load in geoPHP 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 geoPHP/ \geoPHP::load()
11 calls to geoPHP::load()
AdaptersTests::testAdapters in geoPHP/tests/tests/adaptersTest.php
AliasesTests::testAliases in geoPHP/tests/tests/aliasesTest.php
geoPHP::geosToGeometry in geoPHP/
GeosTests::testGeos in geoPHP/tests/tests/geosTest.php
MethodsTests::testMethods in geoPHP/tests/tests/methodsTest.php

... See full list


geoPHP/, line 43




static function load() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $data = array_shift($args);
  $type = array_shift($args);
  $type_map = geoPHP::getAdapterMap();

  // Auto-detect type if needed
  if (!$type) {

    // If the user is trying to load a Geometry from a Geometry... Just pass it back
    if (is_object($data)) {
      if ($data instanceof Geometry) {
        return $data;
    $detected = geoPHP::detectFormat($data);
    if (!$detected) {
      return FALSE;
    $format = explode(':', $detected);
    $type = array_shift($format);
    $args = $format;
  $processor_type = $type_map[$type];
  if (!$processor_type) {
    throw new exception('geoPHP could not find an adapter of type ' . htmlentities($type));
  $processor = new $processor_type();

  // Data is not an array, just pass it normally
  if (!is_array($data)) {
    $result = call_user_func_array(array(
    ), array_merge(array(
    ), $args));
  else {
    $geoms = array();
    foreach ($data as $item) {
      $geoms[] = call_user_func_array(array(
      ), array_merge(array(
      ), $args));
    $result = geoPHP::geometryReduce($geoms);
  return $result;