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function geolocation_demo_install in Geolocation Field 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 modules/geolocation_demo/geolocation_demo.install \geolocation_demo_install()
  2. 8 modules/geolocation_demo/geolocation_demo.install \geolocation_demo_install()

Implements hook_install().


modules/geolocation_demo/geolocation_demo.install, line 14
Geolocation demo setup.


function geolocation_demo_install() {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler */
  $module_handler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
  if ($module_handler
    ->moduleExists('taxonomy') && $module_handler
    ->moduleExists('node') && $module_handler
    ->moduleExists('field')) {

     * Create 3 defined terms.
    $term_ids = [];
    $taxonomy_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    $icon_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'geolocation_demo') . '/icons/';

    /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term_a */
    $term_a = $taxonomy_storage
      'vid' => 'geolocation_demo_taxonomy',
      'name' => 'Class A',
    $data = file_get_contents($icon_path . 'druplicon-deadpool.png');
    $file = file_save_data($data, 'public://druplicon-deadpool.png', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    if ($file) {
        ->set('field_geolocation_demo_term_icon', [
        'target_id' => $file
    $term_ids[] = $term_a

    /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term_b */
    $term_b = $taxonomy_storage
      'vid' => 'geolocation_demo_taxonomy',
      'name' => 'Class B',
    $data = file_get_contents($icon_path . 'druplicon-wolverine.png');
    $file = file_save_data($data, 'public://druplicon-wolverine.png', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    if ($file) {
        ->set('field_geolocation_demo_term_icon', [
        'target_id' => $file
    $term_ids[] = $term_b

    /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term_c */
    $term_c = $taxonomy_storage
      'vid' => 'geolocation_demo_taxonomy',
      'name' => 'Class C',
    $data = file_get_contents($icon_path . 'druplicon-wonder-woman.png');
    $file = file_save_data($data, 'public://druplicon-wonder-woman.png', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    if ($file) {
        ->set('field_geolocation_demo_term_icon', [
        'target_id' => $file
    $term_ids[] = $term_c

     * Create 100 random nodes.
    $random = new Random();
    $node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) {
      $node = $node_storage
        'type' => 'geolocation_default_article',
        'title' => $random
          ->sentences(3, TRUE),

      /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
        'target_id' => $term_ids[mt_rand(0, count($term_ids) - 1)],

     * Created defined unique node term relationship.

    /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term_single */
    $term_single = $taxonomy_storage
      'vid' => 'geolocation_demo_taxonomy',
      'name' => 'Class Single',
    $data = file_get_contents($icon_path . 'druplicon-nick-fury.png');
    $file = file_save_data($data, 'public://druplicon-nick-fury.png', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    if ($file) {
        ->set('field_geolocation_demo_term_icon', [
        'target_id' => $file
    $node = $node_storage
      'type' => 'geolocation_default_article',
      'title' => 'Geolocation with unique associated term "Class Single"',

    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
      'lat' => 52,
      'lng' => 34,
      'target_id' => $term_single