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Functions in GeoIP API 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
geoip_admin_delete_mapping geoip_language/ Create the confirmmation form for deleting a mapping item. 1
geoip_admin_delete_mapping_submit geoip_language/ Process a confirmed delete request of a mapping item.
geoip_admin_settings ./ Menu callback and form builder for admin/settings/geoip. 1
geoip_city ./geoip.module API function to return the city data for a given IP. Defaults to using the current user's IP if not specified. This function only works with the city level database and will return false in all other cases.
geoip_close lib/ 2
geoip_country_code ./geoip.module API function to return the country code for a given IP. Defaults to using the current user's IP if not specified. This function works with both the country and city level databases. 2
geoip_country_code_by_addr lib/ 1
geoip_country_code_by_name lib/
geoip_country_id_by_addr lib/ 3
geoip_country_id_by_name lib/ 2
geoip_country_name_by_addr lib/
geoip_country_name_by_name lib/
geoip_country_values ./geoip.module Returns a list of country codes. 6
geoip_data_file ./geoip.module Return the path of the GeoIP.dat data file. 2 2
geoip_data_file_validate ./ Validate that the geoip_data_file exists. 1
geoip_get_path ./geoip.module Get the file path of the geoip module. This is a wrapper around drupal_get_path() that falls back to simply using the directory of the module file if too early in the bootstrap. 1
geoip_instance ./geoip.module Singleton wrapper around geoip_open(). 2
geoip_ip_address ./geoip.module Helper function to get the current ip address 2
geoip_language_detect_language geoip_language/geoip_language.module Return the language object mapped to the current GeoIP detected country. 1
geoip_language_flush_caches geoip_language/geoip_language.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
geoip_language_form_locale_languages_configure_form_alter geoip_language/geoip_language.module Implements hook_form_locale_languages_configure_form_alter().
geoip_language_help geoip_language/geoip_language.module Implements hook_help().
geoip_language_init geoip_language/geoip_language.module Implements hook_language_negotiation_info().
geoip_language_install geoip_language/geoip_language.install Implements hook_disable().
geoip_language_mappings geoip_language/geoip_language.module API function to return the country-language mapping. 7
geoip_language_mapping_create geoip_language/geoip_language.module API function to create a new mapping. 2
geoip_language_mapping_delete geoip_language/geoip_language.module API function to delete a mapping. 1
geoip_language_menu geoip_language/geoip_language.module Implements hook_menu().
geoip_language_negotiation geoip_language/geoip_language.module Identify language via URL prefix or domain excluding administrative paths. Try to keep as light weight as possible 1
geoip_language_schema geoip_language/geoip_language.install Implements hook_schema().
geoip_language_settings_form geoip_language/ FAPI callback for creating a new country-language mapping. 1
geoip_language_settings_form_submit geoip_language/ FAPI submit handler.
geoip_language_settings_overview geoip_language/ Create the overview table of the already existing mappgins 1
geoip_language_uninstall geoip_language/geoip_language.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
geoip_load_shared_mem lib/
geoip_menu ./geoip.module Implements hook_menu().
geoip_open lib/ 1
geoip_org_by_addr lib/
GeoIP_record_by_addr lib/
geoip_region_by_addr lib/
geoip_region_name ./geoip.module API function to retrieve the region name, given a country code and region code. This function relies on the geoipregionvars.php file, which is just a huge array.
geoip_requirements ./geoip.module Implements hook_requirements().
geoip_update_6000 ./geoip.install We're changing the default path. If it's been working for them make sure it is set and not relying on the default value.
getdnsattributes lib/
getrecordwithdnsservice lib/
page_cache_fastpath geoip_language/ Some sort of caching.
_geoip_country_values ./ Return a list of country codes. 1
_geoip_load_lib ./geoip.module Include the external geoip libraries. 1
_geoip_seek_country lib/ 4
_get_org lib/ 1


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