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function hook_geocode_source_fields_alter in Geocoder 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/geocoder_field/geocoder_field.api.php \hook_geocode_source_fields_alter()

Alter the List of Field types objects of Geocoding operations.

Modules may implement this hook to alter the list of possible Geocoding Field Types.


array $source_fields_types: The list of possible Geocoding Field Types.

See also


1 invocation of hook_geocode_source_fields_alter()
GeocoderFieldPluginManager::getGeocodeSourceFields in modules/geocoder_field/src/GeocoderFieldPluginManager.php
Gets a list of fields available as source for Geocode operations.


modules/geocoder_field/geocoder_field.api.php, line 21
Hooks provided by the Geocoder Field module.


function hook_geocode_source_fields_alter(array &$source_fields_types) {
  array_push($source_fields_types, "my_new_field_1", "my_new_field_2");