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function hook_geocode_entity_field_address_string_alter in Geocoder 8.3

Alter the Entity Field Address String to Geocode on Presave.


string $address_string: The address string to geocode.

\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface $field: The field object of geocode op.

1 invocation of hook_geocode_entity_field_address_string_alter()
geocoder_field_entity_presave in modules/geocoder_field/geocoder_field.module
Implements hook_entity_presave().


modules/geocoder_field/geocoder_field.api.php, line 54
Hooks provided by the Geocoder Field module.


function hook_geocode_entity_field_address_string_alter(string &$address_string, FieldItemListInterface $field) {

  // Make custom alterations to adjust the address string.