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function gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities in General Data Protection Regulation 7

Collect entities that are connected to a GDPR task.


string $entity_type: The entity type of $entity.

int|object $entity: The entity we want information for.

array $entity_list: Internal use only, provide the entity list to build upon.

Return value

array The array of entities for the task.

2 calls to gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities()
gdpr_tasks_collect_rta_data in modules/gdpr_tasks/gdpr_tasks.module
Collect RTA data for a specific user.
gdpr_tasks_collect_rtf_data in modules/gdpr_tasks/gdpr_tasks.module
Collect RTF data for a specific user.


modules/gdpr_fields/gdpr_fields.module, line 84
Module file for the GDPR Fields module.


function gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities($entity_type, $entity, array $entity_list = array(), $source_plugin = NULL, $row_id = NULL) {

  // References to deleted entities may get this far, but without $entity.
  if (empty($entity)) {
    return $entity_list;

  // Get the wrapper and entity id.

  /* @var \EntityDrupalWrapper $wrapper */
  $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $entity);
  $entity_id = $wrapper

  // Check for recursion.
  if (isset($entity_list[$entity_type][$entity_id])) {
    return $entity_list;

  // Set entity.
  if (!isset($row_id)) {
    $row_id = $wrapper
  $entity->_gdpr_row_id = $row_id;
  $entity->_gdpr_source_plugin = $source_plugin;
  $entity_list[$entity_type][$entity_id] = $entity;

  // Loop over all defined properties and collect information.
  // @todo: Add a way to exclude specific properties.
  // @todo: Exclude entity types.
  foreach ($wrapper
    ->getPropertyInfo() as $property_name => $property_info) {

    // If there is no value, we don't need to proceed.
    try {
      if (!$wrapper->{$property_name}
        ->value()) {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Treat exceptions like no value.

    // Work out whether the property is a list and what type it is.
    $is_list = FALSE;
    $property_type = isset($property_info['type']) ? $property_info['type'] : 'text';
    if ($list_type = entity_property_list_extract_type($property_type)) {
      $is_list = TRUE;
      $property_type = $list_type;

    // If it is an entity property recursively call this function.
    if ($property_type != 'file' && entity_get_info($property_type)) {

      // If the gdpr settings tell us not to follow related entities through
      // this property then exclude them.
      $gdpr_data = GDPRFieldData::createFromWrapper($wrapper->{$property_name});
      if (!$gdpr_data) {
      if (!$gdpr_data
        ->includeRelatedEntities()) {

      // If the property is a list then loop over each item.
      if ($is_list) {
        foreach ($wrapper->{$property_name} as $property_wrapper) {
          $entity_list = gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities($property_wrapper
            ->type(), $property_wrapper
            ->value(), $entity_list, $gdpr_data->name);
      else {
        $entity_list = gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities($wrapper->{$property_name}
          ->type(), $wrapper->{$property_name}
          ->value(), $entity_list, $gdpr_data->name, $row_id);
    elseif (!empty($property_info['property info'])) {

      // Because this recurses at an entity level rather than a property level
      // we do some limited manual recursion into 'struct' and other complex
      // property types. This recursion only goes one level deep, but covers
      // the uncommon use case where an entity referencing property has its
      // entity as a sub property.
      // Sub-sub-property entity references are NOT supported here - but we are
      // unaware of any modules that implement sub-sub-property reference.
      if ($is_list) {
        foreach ($wrapper->{$property_name} as $property_wrapper) {
          foreach ($property_wrapper
            ->getPropertyInfo() as $sub_property_name => $sub_property_info) {
            $sub_property_type = $sub_property_info['type'];
            if ($sub_list_type = entity_property_list_extract_type($sub_property_type)) {
              $sub_property_type = $sub_list_type;
            if ($sub_property_type != 'file' && ($sub_property_type == 'entity' || entity_get_info($sub_property_type))) {

              // Skip relationships that we do not want to follow.
              // IF we can't get gdpr data for this property then follow anyway
              // just in case.
              $gdpr_data = GDPRFieldData::createFromWrapper($property_wrapper->{$sub_property_name});
              if ($gdpr_data && !$gdpr_data
                ->includeRelatedEntities()) {
              if ($is_list) {
                foreach ($property_wrapper->{$sub_property_name} as $sub_property_wrapper) {
                  $entity_list = gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities($sub_property_wrapper
                    ->type(), $sub_property_wrapper
                    ->value(), $entity_list, $gdpr_data->name);
              else {
                $entity_list = gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities($property_wrapper->{$sub_property_name}
                  ->type(), $property_wrapper->{$sub_property_name}
                  ->value(), $entity_list, $gdpr_data->name, $row_id);

  // Track through ownership. This requires looking for any owner field that
  // references the current owner type.
  $fields = ctools_export_load_object('gdpr_fields_field_data');
  $all_property_info = entity_get_property_info();
  foreach ($fields as $field) {

    /* @var \GDPRFieldData $field */
    if ($field
      ->getSetting('gdpr_fields_owner', FALSE)) {

      // Get the data type.
      if (isset($all_property_info[$field->entity_type]['bundles'][$field->entity_bundle]['properties'][$field->property_name])) {
        $property_info = $all_property_info[$field->entity_type]['bundles'][$field->entity_bundle]['properties'][$field->property_name];
      else {
        $property_info = $all_property_info[$field->entity_type]['properties'][$field->property_name];
      $type = entity_property_extract_innermost_type($property_info['type']);

      // If the target is our current entity type, find all owned entities.
      if ($type == $entity_type) {
        $field_name = $field->property_name;
        if (!empty($property_info['schema field'])) {
          $field_name = $property_info['schema field'];
        $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
          ->entityCondition('entity_type', $field->entity_type);
          ->entityCondition('bundle', $field->entity_bundle);
        if (!empty($property_info['field'])) {
            ->fieldCondition($field_name, 'target_id', $entity_id);
        else {
            ->propertyCondition($field_name, $entity_id);
        $results = $query
        if (isset($results[$field->entity_type])) {
          foreach (entity_load($field->entity_type, array_keys($results[$field->entity_type])) as $owned_entity) {
            $entity_list = gdpr_fields_collect_gdpr_entities($field->entity_type, $owned_entity, $entity_list, $field->name);
  return $entity_list;