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class GdprSqlMysql in General Data Protection Regulation 3.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/gdpr_dump/src/Sql/GdprSqlMysql.php \Drupal\gdpr_dump\Sql\GdprSqlMysql
  2. 8 modules/gdpr_dump/src/Sql/GdprSqlMysql.php \Drupal\gdpr_dump\Sql\GdprSqlMysql

Class GdprSqlMysql.

@package Drupal\gdpr_dump\Sql


  • class \Drupal\gdpr_dump\Sql\GdprSqlMysql extends \Drush\Sql\SqlMysql

Expanded class hierarchy of GdprSqlMysql


modules/gdpr_dump/src/Sql/GdprSqlMysql.php, line 23


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class GdprSqlMysql extends SqlMysql {

   * The config for gdpr dump.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig
  protected $gdprDumpConfig;

   * An array of tables to skip.
   * @var array
  protected $tablesToSkip = [];

   * An array of tables to be anonymized.
   * @var array
  protected $tablesToAnonymize = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct($dbSpec, $options) {
    parent::__construct($dbSpec, $options);
    $this->gdprDumpConfig = \Drupal::config(SettingsForm::GDPR_DUMP_CONF_KEY);
    $this->tablesToAnonymize = $this->gdprDumpConfig
      ->get('mapping') ?? [];
    $this->tablesToSkip = array_keys($this->gdprDumpConfig
      ->get('empty_tables') ?? []);

   * Execute a SQL dump and return the path to the resulting dump file.
   * @return mixed
   *   Bool or void.
  public function dump() {

    /** @var string|bool $file Path where dump file should be stored. If TRUE, generate a path based on usual backup directory and current date.*/
    $file = $this
    $fileSuffix = '';
    $tableSelection = $this
      ->getOptions(), $this
    $file = $this
    $cmd = trim($this

    // Append the RENAME commands at the end.
    $renames = trim($this
    if (!empty($renames)) {

      // @todo Cross-platform check.
      $cmd = '{ ' . $cmd . ' ; ' . $renames . ' }';
    $pipefail = '';

    // Gzip the output from dump command(s) if requested.
    if ($this
      ->getOption('gzip')) {

      // See
      $pipefail = $this
        ->get('sh.pipefail', 'bash -c "set -o pipefail; {{cmd}}"');
      $cmd .= ' | gzip -f';
      $fileSuffix .= '.gz';
    if ($file) {
      $file .= $fileSuffix;
      $cmd .= ' > ' . Escape::shellArg($file);
    $cmd = $this
      ->addPipeFail($cmd, $pipefail);
    $process = Drush::shell($cmd, NULL, $this

    // Avoid the php memory of saving stdout.

    // Show dump in real-time on stdout, for backward compat.
    return $process
      ->isSuccessful() ? $file : FALSE;

   * Create table renames according to the GDPR config.
   * @param array $tableSelection
   *   Supported keys: 'skip', 'structure', 'tables'.
   * @return string
   *   The command.
  protected function createRenameCommands(array $tableSelection) {
    $skipTables = array_merge($tableSelection['skip'], $tableSelection['structure']);
    $skipTables = array_flip($skipTables);
    $skipTables += $this->tablesToSkip;
    $command = '';
    foreach (array_keys($this->tablesToAnonymize) as $table) {
      if (array_key_exists($table, $skipTables)) {

        // Don't try to rename a table if it is excluded.
      $clone = GdprSqlDump::GDPR_TABLE_PREFIX . $table;
      $rename = "RENAME TABLE \\`{$clone}\\` TO \\`{$table}\\`;";
      if (Drush::verbose() || $this
        ->simulate()) {
          ->info("Adding rename command: '{$rename}'");
      $command .= " ( echo \"{$rename}\" ); ";
    return $command;

   * Build bash for dumping a database.
   * @return string
   *   One or more mysqldump/pg_dump/sqlite3/etc statements that are
   *   ready for executing. If multiple statements are needed,
   *   enclose in parenthesis.
  public function dumpCmd($tableSelection) {
    $multipleCommands = FALSE;
    $skipTables = $tableSelection['skip'];
    $structureTables = $tableSelection['structure'];
    $structureTables = array_merge($this->tablesToSkip, $structureTables);
    $tables = $tableSelection['tables'];
    $ignores = [];
    $skipTables = array_merge($structureTables, $skipTables);

    // Skip tables with sensitive data.
    $skipTables = array_merge(array_keys($this->tablesToAnonymize), $skipTables);
    $dataOnly = $this

    // The ordered-dump option is only supported by MySQL for now.
    $orderedDump = $this
    $exec = 'mysqldump ';

    // Mysqldump wants 'databasename' instead of
    // 'database=databasename' for no good reason.
    $onlyDbName = str_replace('--database=', ' ', $this
    $exec .= $onlyDbName;

    // We had --skip-add-locks here for a while to help people with
    // insufficient permissions, but removed it because it slows down the
    // import a lot.  See
    $extra = ' --no-autocommit --single-transaction --opt -Q';
    if ($dataOnly === TRUE) {
      $extra .= ' --no-create-info';
    if ($orderedDump === TRUE) {
      $extra .= ' --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary';
    if ($option = $this
      ->getOption('extra-dump')) {
      $extra .= " {$option}";
    $exec .= $extra;
    if (!empty($tables)) {
      $exec .= ' ' . implode(' ', $tables);
    else {

      // @todo Maybe use --ignore-table={db.table1,db.table2,...} syntax.
      // Append the ignore-table options.
      $dbSpec = $this
      foreach ($skipTables as $table) {
        $ignores[] = '--ignore-table=' . $dbSpec['database'] . '.' . $table;
        $multipleCommands = TRUE;
      $exec .= ' ' . implode(' ', $ignores);

      // Run mysqldump again and append output
      // if we need some structure only tables.
      if (!empty($structureTables)) {
        $exec .= ' && mysqldump ' . $onlyDbName . " --no-data {$extra} " . implode(' ', $structureTables);
        $multipleCommands = TRUE;
    return $multipleCommands ? "({$exec})" : $exec;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
GdprSqlMysql::$gdprDumpConfig protected property The config for gdpr dump.
GdprSqlMysql::$tablesToAnonymize protected property An array of tables to be anonymized.
GdprSqlMysql::$tablesToSkip protected property An array of tables to skip.
GdprSqlMysql::createRenameCommands protected function Create table renames according to the GDPR config.
GdprSqlMysql::dump public function Execute a SQL dump and return the path to the resulting dump file.
GdprSqlMysql::dumpCmd public function Build bash for dumping a database.
GdprSqlMysql::__construct public function