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function _get_gdpr_module_description in General Data Protection Regulation 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 gdpr.module \_get_gdpr_module_description()
  2. 7 gdpr.module \_get_gdpr_module_description()

Returns a HTML markup for gdpr_modules checkpoint description.

Return value

string HTML markup string

1 call to _get_gdpr_module_description()
gdpr_checklistapi_checklist_items in ./gdpr.module
Callback for gdpr_checklistapi_checklist_info().


./gdpr.module, line 264
Module file.


function _get_gdpr_module_description() {
  $all_modules = _get_modules();
  $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
  $gdpr_module_names = [
  $gdpr_modules_list = [
    '#theme' => 'item_list',
    '#items' => [],
  $module_statuses = _get_module_statuses();
  $color_classes = [
    -1 => 'admin-missing',
    0 => 'admin-missing',
    1 => 'admin-enabled',
  foreach ($gdpr_module_names as $module_name) {
    if (isset($all_modules[$module_name])) {
      if (!$all_modules[$module_name]['status']) {
        $status_class = $color_classes[$all_modules[$module_name]['status']];
        $status = [
          '#prefix' => '<span class="' . $status_class . '">',
          '#suffix' => '</span>',
          '#markup' => $module_statuses[$all_modules[$module_name]['status']],
        $gdpr_modules_list['#items'][] = t('@title (@status)', [
          '@title' => $all_modules[$module_name]['name'],
          '@status' => $renderer
    else {
      $status_class = $color_classes[-1];
      $status = [
        '#prefix' => '<span class="' . $status_class . '">',
        '#suffix' => '</span>',
        '#markup' => $module_statuses[-1],
      $gdpr_modules_list['#items'][] = t('@title (@status)', [
        '@title' => $module_name,
        '@status' => $renderer
  $gdpr_modules = $renderer
  $options = [
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  $link = Link::createFromRoute(t('Enable them on Extend admin page'), 'system.modules_list', [], $options);
  if (!empty($gdpr_modules_list['#items'])) {
    $text = t("In order to have a complete overview of the site functionalities, it's recommended to enable the following features as well:");
    return $text . $gdpr_modules . $link
  else {
    return '';