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Functions in Google Auth 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
gauth_account_authenticate ./gauth.module Authenticate a google account. 3
gauth_account_delete ./gauth.module Delete an account. 3
gauth_account_delete_form ./ Form builder; Form for deleting an google auth account. 1
gauth_account_delete_form_submit ./ Submit handler to delete an google auth account.
gauth_account_edit_form ./ Form builder; Edit an account. 1
gauth_account_edit_form_submit ./ Submit handler for adding a new account to google auth accounts.
gauth_account_edit_form_validate ./ Validate handler for adding a new account to google auth accounts.
gauth_account_is_authenticated ./gauth.module Check if an account is authenticated or not.
gauth_account_list ./ Menu callback; Listing of all current Api accounts. 1
gauth_account_load ./gauth.module Get an array of all accounts or load a specific account. 11
gauth_account_load_by_uid ./gauth.module Function loads gauth account id by user id. 1
gauth_account_revoke_token ./gauth.module Unauthenticate an account. 2
gauth_account_save ./gauth.module Save an account. 3
gauth_account_token_revoke_form ./ Form builder; Form for revoking access of an google auth account. 1
gauth_account_token_revoke_form_submit ./ Submit handler to revoke access of an google auth account.
gauth_callback_url ./gauth.module Checks https settings and returns appropriate callback url. 6
gauth_client_get ./gauth.module Get Google_client object of an account. 2
gauth_flush_caches ./gauth.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
gauth_google_services_names ./gauth.module Returns a array services api names. 4
gauth_google_services_scopes ./gauth.module Returns a array services api versions. 3
gauth_help ./gauth.module Implements hook_help().
gauth_init ./gauth.module Implements hook_init().
gauth_install ./gauth.install Implements hook_install().
gauth_libraries_info ./gauth.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
gauth_login_find_existing_user gauth_login/gauth_login.module Finds an existing user based on info from Google. 1
gauth_login_form_alter gauth_login/gauth_login.module Implements hook_form_alter().
gauth_login_gauth_google_response gauth_login/gauth_login.module Implementation of hook_gauth_google_response().
gauth_login_help gauth_login/gauth_login.module Implements hook_help().
gauth_login_install gauth_login/gauth_login.install Implements hook_install().
gauth_login_load_google_id gauth_login/gauth_login.module Function returns uid of passed google id 1
gauth_login_menu gauth_login/gauth_login.module Implements hook_menu().
gauth_login_schema gauth_login/gauth_login.install Implements hook_schema().
gauth_login_settings gauth_login/ Administrative settings. 1
gauth_login_settings_validate gauth_login/
gauth_login_uninstall gauth_login/gauth_login.install Implements hook_uninstall().
gauth_login_user_delete gauth_login/gauth_login.module Implmenentation of hook_user_delete();
gauth_login_user_login_submit gauth_login/gauth_login.module Login using google, submit handler 1
gauth_menu ./gauth.module Implements hook_menu().
gauth_menu_site_status_alter ./gauth.module Implements hook_menu_site_status_alter().
gauth_requirements ./gauth.install Implements hook_requirements().
gauth_response_handler ./gauth.module Function to handle authentication and response from google. 1 1
gauth_schema ./gauth.install Implements hook_schema().
gauth_theme ./gauth.module Implements hook_theme().
gauth_uninstall ./gauth.install Implements hook_uninstall().
gauth_update_7002 ./gauth.install Add the gauth_accounts.uid field.
gauth_update_7003 ./gauth.install Add the gauth_accounts.access_type field.
gauth_update_7004 ./gauth.install Add the Gauth scopes cache table.
gauth_user_auth_services_access gauth_user/gauth_user.module Function returns the access true if the account is owned by the user viewing else false. 1
gauth_user_auth_services_enabled gauth_user/gauth_user.module Function returns the permission or the account types allowed for a user. 1 1
gauth_user_delete ./gauth.module Implements hook_user_delete().


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