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class ContentProcessor in GatherContent 8.4

The ContentProcessor sets the necessary fields of the entity.


Expanded class hierarchy of ContentProcessor

2 files declare their use of ContentProcessor
GcImportTestBase.php in tests/src/Kernel/GcImportTestBase.php
Importer.php in src/Import/Importer.php
1 string reference to 'ContentProcessor' in ./
1 service uses ContentProcessor
gathercontent.content_processor in ./


src/Import/ContentProcess/ContentProcessor.php, line 27


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class ContentProcessor implements ContainerInjectionInterface {

   * Drupal GC client.
   * @var \Drupal\gathercontent\DrupalGatherContentClient
  protected $client;

   * Store the already imported entity references (used in recursion).
   * @var array
  protected $importedReferences = [];

   * Meta tag query object.
   * @var \Drupal\gathercontent\MetatagQuery
  protected $metatag;

   * The time service.
   * @var \Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface
  protected $time;

   * The time service.
   * @var array
  protected $concatFieldValues = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(GatherContentClientInterface $client, MetatagQuery $metatag, TimeInterface $time) {
    $this->client = $client;
    $this->metatag = $metatag;
    $this->time = $time;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('gathercontent.client'), $container
      ->get('gathercontent.metatag'), $container

   * Initialize member variables.
  public function init() {
    $this->importedReferences = [];

   * Create a Drupal node filled with the properties of the GC item.
  public function createNode(Item $gc_item, ImportOptions $options, array $files) {
    $this->concatFieldValues = [];
    $mapping = MappingLoader::load($gc_item);
    $content_type = $mapping
    $is_translatable = Importer::isContentTypeTranslatable($content_type);
    $mapping_data = unserialize($mapping
    if (empty($mapping_data)) {
      throw new \Exception("Mapping data is empty.");
    $first = reset($mapping_data);
    $langcode = isset($first['language']) ? $first['language'] : Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;

    // Create a Drupal entity corresponding to GC item.
    $entity = NodeUpdateMethod::getDestinationNode($gc_item->id, $options
      ->getNodeUpdateMethod(), $content_type, $langcode);
    if ($entity === FALSE) {
      throw new \Exception("System error, please contact you administrator.");

    // Create new revision according to the import options.
    if ($entity
      ->isRevisionable() && !$entity
      ->isNew() && $options
      ->getCreateNewRevision()) {
        ->setRevisionLogMessage('Created revision for node ID: ' . $entity
      ->set('gc_id', $gc_item->id);
      ->set('gc_mapping_id', $mapping
    if ($entity
      ->isNew()) {
    foreach ($gc_item->config as $pane) {
      $is_pane_translatable = $is_translatable && isset($mapping_data[$pane->id]['language']) && $mapping_data[$pane->id]['language'] != Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
      if ($is_pane_translatable) {
        $language = $mapping_data[$pane->id]['language'];
        if (!$entity
          ->hasTranslation($language)) {
          if ($entity
            ->isNew()) {
      else {
        $language = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
      foreach ($pane->elements as $field) {
        if (isset($mapping_data[$pane->id]['elements'][$field->id]) && !empty($mapping_data[$pane->id]['elements'][$field->id])) {
          $local_field_id = $mapping_data[$pane->id]['elements'][$field->id];
          $local_field_text_format = '';
          if (isset($mapping_data[$pane->id]['element_text_formats']) && !empty($mapping_data[$pane->id]['element_text_formats'][$field->id])) {
            $local_field_text_format = $mapping_data[$pane->id]['element_text_formats'][$field->id];
          if (isset($mapping_data[$pane->id]['type']) && $mapping_data[$pane->id]['type'] === 'content' || !isset($mapping_data[$pane->id]['type'])) {
              ->processContentPane($entity, $local_field_id, $field, $is_pane_translatable, $language, $files, $local_field_text_format);
          elseif (isset($mapping_data[$pane->id]['type']) && $mapping_data[$pane->id]['type'] === 'metatag') {
              ->processMetatagPane($entity, $local_field_id, $field, $mapping
              ->getContentType(), $is_pane_translatable, $language);
    if (empty($entity
      ->getTitle())) {
    return $entity;

   * Processing function for content panes.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param string $local_field_id
   *   ID of local Drupal field.
   * @param object $field
   *   Object of GatherContent field.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @param array $files
   *   Array of files fetched from GatherContent.
   * @param string $local_field_text_format
   *   Text format setting for the local drupal field.
   * @param string $parent_field_type
   *   Parent field type string to pass through field type
   *   in case of reference fields.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
   * @throws \Exception
  public function processContentPane(EntityInterface &$entity, $local_field_id, $field, $is_translatable, $language, array $files, $local_field_text_format, $parent_field_type = '') {
    if (empty(trim($field->value)) && empty($field->options) && $field->type !== 'files') {
    $local_id_array = explode('||', $local_field_id);
    if (count($local_id_array) > 1) {
      $entityTypeManager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
      $field_info = FieldConfig::load($local_id_array[0]);
      $field_target_info = FieldConfig::load($local_id_array[1]);
      $field_name = $field_info
      $entityStorage = $entityTypeManager
      $target_field_value = $entity
      if (!isset($this->importedReferences[$local_id_array[0]])) {
        if (!empty($target_field_value)) {
          foreach ($target_field_value as $target) {
            $deleteEntity = $entityStorage
            if ($deleteEntity) {
        $this->importedReferences[$local_id_array[0]] = TRUE;
        $target_field_value = [];
      $to_import = TRUE;
      if (!empty($target_field_value)) {
        foreach ($target_field_value as $target) {
          $childEntity = $entityStorage
            'id' => $target['target_id'],
            'type' => $field_target_info
          if (!empty($childEntity[$target['target_id']])) {
            $check_field_name = $field_target_info
            $check_field_value = $childEntity[$target['target_id']]
            if ($is_translatable) {
              if (!$childEntity[$target['target_id']]
                ->hasTranslation($language)) {
              if ($childEntity[$target['target_id']]
                ->hasTranslation($language)) {
                $check_field_value = $childEntity[$target['target_id']]
            if (count($local_id_array) > 1 || empty($check_field_value)) {
                ->processContentPane($childEntity[$target['target_id']], implode('||', $local_id_array), $field, $is_translatable, $language, $files, $local_field_text_format, $field_info
              $to_import = FALSE;
      if ($to_import) {
        $childEntity = $entityStorage
          'type' => $field_target_info
          ->processContentPane($childEntity, implode('||', $local_id_array), $field, $is_translatable, $language, $files, $local_field_text_format, $field_info
        $target_field_value[] = [
          'target_id' => $childEntity
          'target_revision_id' => $childEntity
        ->set($field_name, $target_field_value);
    else {
      $field_info = FieldConfig::load($local_field_id);
      if (!is_null($field_info)) {
        $is_translatable = $is_translatable && $field_info
      if ($local_field_id === 'title') {
        $target =& $entity;
        if ($is_translatable) {
          $target = $entity
          if (empty($field->value)) {
            throw new \Exception("Field '{$field->label}' must not be empty (it's a title field in a translatable item).");
      switch ($field->type) {
        case 'files':
            ->processFilesField($entity, $field_info, $field->id, $is_translatable, $language, $files);
        case 'choice_radio':
            ->processChoiceRadioField($entity, $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, $field->options);
        case 'choice_checkbox':
            ->processChoiceCheckboxField($entity, $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, $field->options);
        case 'section':
            ->processSectionField($entity, $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, $field, $local_field_text_format, $parent_field_type);
            ->processDefaultField($entity, $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, $field, $local_field_text_format, $parent_field_type);

   * Processing function for metatag panes.
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param string $local_field_name
   *   ID of local Drupal field.
   * @param object $field
   *   Object of GatherContent field.
   * @param string $content_type
   *   Name of Content type, we are mapping to.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @throws \Exception
   *   If content save fails, exceptions is thrown.
  public function processMetatagPane(NodeInterface &$entity, $local_field_name, $field, $content_type, $is_translatable, $language) {
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('metatag') && $this->metatag
      ->checkMetatag($content_type)) {
      $metatag_fields = $this->metatag
      foreach ($metatag_fields as $metatag_field) {
        if ($is_translatable) {
          $current_value = unserialize($entity
          $current_value[$local_field_name] = $field->value;
            ->getTranslation($language)->{$metatag_field}->value = serialize($current_value);
        else {
          $current_value = unserialize($entity->{$metatag_field}->value);
          $current_value[$local_field_name] = $field->value;
          $entity->{$metatag_field}->value = serialize($current_value);
    else {
      throw new \Exception("Metatag module not enabled or entity doesn't support\n    metatags while trying to map values with metatag content.");

   * Default processing function, when no other matches found, usually for text.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_info
   *   Local field Info object.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @param object $field
   *   Object with field attributes.
   * @param string $text_format
   *   Text format string.
   * @param string $parent_field_type
   *   Parent field type string to pass through field type
   *   in case of reference fields.
  protected function processDefaultField(EntityInterface &$entity, FieldConfig $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, $field, $text_format, $parent_field_type = '') {
    $local_field_name = $field_info
    $value = $field->value;
    $target =& $entity;
    if ($is_translatable) {
      $target = $entity
    switch ($field_info
      ->getType()) {
      case 'datetime':
        $value = strtotime($value);
        if ($value === FALSE) {

          // If we failed to convert to a timestamp, abort.
        $target->{$local_field_name} = [
          'value' => gmdate(DATETIME_DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT, $value),
      case 'date':
        $value = strtotime($value);
        if ($value === FALSE) {
        $target->{$local_field_name} = [
          'value' => gmdate(DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT, $value),
        $id = $language . $field_info
        if (!isset($this->concatFieldValues[$id]) || $parent_field_type === 'entity_reference_revisions') {
          $this->concatFieldValues[$id] = '';
        $this->concatFieldValues[$id] .= $value;

        // Probably some kind of text field.
        $target->{$local_field_name} = [
          'value' => $this->concatFieldValues[$id],
          'format' => isset($field->plainText) && $field->plainText ? 'plain_text' : (!empty($text_format) ? $text_format : 'basic_html'),

   * Processing function for section type of field.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_info
   *   Local field Info object.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @param object $field
   *   Object with field attributes.
   * @param string $text_format
   *   Text format string.
   * @param string $parent_field_type
   *   Parent field type string to pass through field type
   *   in case of reference fields.
  protected function processSectionField(EntityInterface &$entity, FieldConfig $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, $field, $text_format, $parent_field_type = '') {
    $local_field_name = $field_info
    $target =& $entity;
    if ($is_translatable) {
      $target = $entity
    $id = $language . $field_info
    if (!isset($this->concatFieldValues[$id]) || $parent_field_type === 'entity_reference_revisions') {
      $this->concatFieldValues[$id] = '';
    $this->concatFieldValues[$id] .= '<h3>' . $field->title . '</h3>' . $field->subtitle;
    $target->{$local_field_name} = [
      'value' => $this->concatFieldValues[$id],
      'format' => !empty($text_format) ? $text_format : 'basic_html',

   * Processing function for checkbox type of field.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_info
   *   Local field Info object.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options.
  protected function processChoiceCheckboxField(EntityInterface &$entity, FieldConfig $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, array $options) {
    $local_field_name = $field_info
    $entity->{$local_field_name} = [
    $selected_options = [];
    foreach ($options as $option) {
      if ($option['selected']) {
        if ($field_info
          ->getType() === 'entity_reference') {
          if (!empty($field_info
            ->getSetting('handler_settings')['auto_create_bundle'])) {
            $vid = $field_info
          else {
            $handler_settings = $field_info
            $handler_settings = reset($handler_settings);
            $vid = array_shift($handler_settings);
          $taxonomy = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            'gathercontent_option_ids' => $option['name'],
            'vid' => $vid,

          /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term $term */
          $term = array_shift($taxonomy);
          $selected_options[] = $term
        else {
          $selected_options[] = $option['name'];
      if ($is_translatable) {
          ->getTranslation($language)->{$local_field_name} = $selected_options;
      else {
        $entity->{$local_field_name} = $selected_options;

   * Processing function for radio type of field.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_info
   *   Local field Info object.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @param array $options
   *   Array of options.
  protected function processChoiceRadioField(EntityInterface &$entity, FieldConfig $field_info, $is_translatable, $language, array $options) {
    $local_field_name = $field_info
    foreach ($options as $option) {
      if (!$option['selected']) {
      if (isset($option['value'])) {
        if (empty($option['value'])) {

        // Dealing with "Other" option.
        if ($field_info
          ->getType() === 'entity_reference') {

          // Load vocabulary id.
          if (!empty($field_info
            ->getSetting('handler_settings')['auto_create_bundle'])) {
            $vid = $field_info
          else {
            $handler_settings = $field_info
            $handler_settings = reset($handler_settings);
            $vid = array_shift($handler_settings);

          // Prepare confitions.
          $condition_array = [
            'name' => $option['value'],
            'vid' => $vid,
          if ($is_translatable && $language !== LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
            $condition_array['langcode'] = $language;
          $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

          /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term $term */
          $term = array_shift($terms);
          if (empty($term)) {
            $term = Term::create([
              'vid' => $vid,
              'name' => $option['value'],
              'langcode' => $language,
          if ($is_translatable && $entity
            ->hasTranslation($language)) {
              ->set($local_field_name, $term
          else {
              ->set($local_field_name, $term
        else {
          if ($is_translatable) {
              ->getTranslation($language)->{$local_field_name}->value = $option['value'];
          else {
            $entity->{$local_field_name}->value = $option['value'];
      else {

        // Dealing with predefined options.
        if ($field_info
          ->getType() === 'entity_reference') {
          if (!empty($field_info
            ->getSetting('handler_settings')['auto_create_bundle'])) {
            $vid = $field_info
          else {
            $handler_settings = $field_info
            $handler_settings = reset($handler_settings);
            $vid = array_shift($handler_settings);
          $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            'gathercontent_option_ids' => $option['name'],
            'vid' => $vid,

          /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term $term */
          $term = array_shift($terms);
          if (!empty($term)) {
            if ($is_translatable) {
                ->set($local_field_name, $term
            else {
                ->set($local_field_name, $term
        else {
          if ($is_translatable) {
              ->getTranslation($language)->{$local_field_name}->value = $option['name'];
          else {
            $entity->{$local_field_name}->value = $option['name'];

   * Processing function for file type of field.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Object of node.
   * @param \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_info
   *   Local field Info object.
   * @param string $gc_field_name
   *   Name of field in GatherContent.
   * @param bool $is_translatable
   *   Indicator if node is translatable.
   * @param string $language
   *   Language of translation if applicable.
   * @param array $files
   *   Array of remote files.
  protected function processFilesField(EntityInterface &$entity, FieldConfig $field_info, $gc_field_name, $is_translatable, $language, array $files) {
    $found_files = [];
    $local_field_name = $field_info

    /** @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $translatable_file_config */
    $translatable_file_config = $entity
    $third_party_settings = $translatable_file_config
    if (isset($third_party_settings['content_translation'])) {
      $translatable_file = $third_party_settings['content_translation']['translation_sync']['file'];
    else {
      $translatable_file = NULL;
    foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
      if ($file->field === $gc_field_name) {
        $drupal_files = \Drupal::entityQuery('file')
          ->condition('gc_id', $file->id)
          ->condition('filename', $file->fileName)
        if (!empty($drupal_files)) {
          $drupal_file = reset($drupal_files);
          $found_files[] = [
            'target_id' => $drupal_file,
      else {
    if (!($entity
      ->getId() !== $language && $translatable_file === '0') && !empty($files)) {
      $file_dir = $translatable_file_config
      $file_dir = PlainTextOutput::renderFromHtml(\Drupal::token()
        ->replace($file_dir, []));
      $uri_scheme = $translatable_file_config
        ->getSetting('uri_scheme') . '://';
      $create_dir = \Drupal::service('file_system')
        ->realpath($uri_scheme) . '/' . $file_dir;
      file_prepare_directory($create_dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
      $imported_files = $this->client
        ->downloadFiles($files, $uri_scheme . $file_dir, $language);
      if (!empty($imported_files)) {
        foreach ($imported_files as $file) {
          $found_files[] = [
            'target_id' => $file,
        if ($is_translatable) {
            ->set($local_field_name, end($found_files));
        else {
            ->set($local_field_name, end($found_files));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ContentProcessor::$client protected property Drupal GC client.
ContentProcessor::$concatFieldValues protected property The time service.
ContentProcessor::$importedReferences protected property Store the already imported entity references (used in recursion).
ContentProcessor::$metatag protected property Meta tag query object.
ContentProcessor::$time protected property The time service.
ContentProcessor::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides ContainerInjectionInterface::create
ContentProcessor::createNode public function Create a Drupal node filled with the properties of the GC item.
ContentProcessor::init public function Initialize member variables.
ContentProcessor::processChoiceCheckboxField protected function Processing function for checkbox type of field.
ContentProcessor::processChoiceRadioField protected function Processing function for radio type of field.
ContentProcessor::processContentPane public function Processing function for content panes.
ContentProcessor::processDefaultField protected function Default processing function, when no other matches found, usually for text.
ContentProcessor::processFilesField protected function Processing function for file type of field.
ContentProcessor::processMetatagPane public function Processing function for metatag panes.
ContentProcessor::processSectionField protected function Processing function for section type of field.
ContentProcessor::__construct public function