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function gathercontent_element_info in GatherContent 7.3

Implements hook_element_info().


./, line 10
Form elements and theme functions for GatherContent module.


function gathercontent_element_info() {
  return array(
    // Custom tableselect form element.
    'gathercontent_tableselect' => array(
      '#input' => TRUE,
      '#js_select' => TRUE,
      '#multiple' => TRUE,
      '#process' => array(
      '#options' => array(),
      '#empty' => '',
      '#theme' => 'gathercontent_tableselect',
      '#type' => 'tableselect',
      // Additional options compared to tableselect form element.
      // Whether to add tablesorter plugin or not (if it's available).
      '#tablesorter' => TRUE,
      // DIV elements which have to be added to the table as prefix, array of
      // class arrays keyed by an (internal) element name.
      // These elements will be wrapped into a DIV with class
      // gathercontent-table--header.
      // Example:
      // @code
      // $element['#filterwrapper'] = array(
      //   'element_one' => array('class1', 'class2'),
      //   'element_two' => array('class3', 'class4'),
      // );
      // @endcode
      // Sample output in the case above:
      // @code
      // <div class="gathercontent-table-header">
      //   <div class="class1 class2"></div>
      //   <div class="class3 class4"></div>
      // </div>
      // @endcode
      '#filterwrapper' => array(),
      '#filterdescription' => '',
    // Checkbox counter form element.
    // Sample usage:
    // @code
    // $form['counter'] = array(
    //   '#type' => 'gathercontent_checkboxcounter',
    //   '#checkboxes_selector' => '.custom-wrapper [type="checkbox"]',
    //   '#counter_message_template' => array(
    //     '1 node selected',
    //     '@count nodes selected',
    //   ),
    //   '#counter_message_default' => format_plural(0,
    //     '1 node selected',
    //     '@count nodes selected'
    //   ),
    // );
    // @endcode
    'gathercontent_checkboxcounter' => array(
      '#input' => FALSE,
      '#theme' => 'gathercontent_checkboxcounter',
      '#process' => array(
      '#checkboxes_selector' => '',
      '#counter_message_js_template' => array(),
      '#counter_message_default' => '',