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function gathercontent_get_obj in GatherContent 7.2

Used to get GatherContentCurl object.

8 calls to gathercontent_get_obj()
gathercontent_ajax_media_download in includes/
AJAX function to process individual media item.
gathercontent_import_page in includes/
AJAX function to process individual pages.
gathercontent_login_form_submit in includes/
Form submission handler for gathercontent_login_form().
gathercontent_media_form in includes/
Form constructor for displaying media import dialog.
gathercontent_pages_form in includes/
Form constructor for selecting pages.

... See full list


./gathercontent.module, line 112
Imports pages from GatherContent ( into Drupal as nodes.


function gathercontent_get_obj() {
  static $obj;
  if (!isset($obj)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'gathercontent', 'includes/functions');
    module_load_include('inc', 'gathercontent', 'includes/curl');
    $obj = new GatherContentCurl();
  return $obj;