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function gathercontent_gathercontent_process_files_field in GatherContent 7.3


EntityMetadataWrapper $node: Object of node.

string $local_field_name: Local field name.

string $gathercontent_field_name: Name of field in GatherContent.

bool $is_translatable: Indicator if node is translatable.

string $language: Language of translation if applicable.

array $files: Array of remote files.

1 call to gathercontent_gathercontent_process_files_field()
gathercontent_gathercontent_process_content_pane in ./gathercontent.module


./gathercontent.module, line 1040


function gathercontent_gathercontent_process_files_field(EntityMetadataWrapper &$node, $local_field_name, $gathercontent_field_name, $is_translatable = FALSE, $language = 'und', $files) {
  $content_obj = new Content();
  $files_to_download = array();
  $field_info = field_info_field($local_field_name);
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    if ($file->field === $gathercontent_field_name) {
      $found = FALSE;
      if (!is_null($node->{$local_field_name}
        ->value())) {
        foreach ($node->{$local_field_name}
          ->value() as $local_file_field) {
          if ($local_file_field['gathercontent_id'] === $file->id) {
            $found = TRUE;
      if (!$found) {
        $files_to_download[] = $file;
  $found_files = $content_obj
    ->downloadFiles($files_to_download, $field_info);
  $is_multiple = $field_info['cardinality'] != 1;
  if (!$is_multiple) {
    $found_files = !empty($found_files) ? reset($found_files) : NULL;
  if ($is_translatable) {
  else {