in GatherContent 8.3
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- gathercontent.admin_gathercontent:
- title: 'GatherContent'
- route_name: gathercontent.admin_gathercontent
- parent: system.admin_config
- description: 'Configure GatherContent.'
- weight: 0
- gathercontent.config_form:
- title: 'Authentication'
- route_name: gathercontent.config_form
- parent: gathercontent.admin_gathercontent
- weight: 1
- gathercontent.import_config_form:
- title: 'Import configuration'
- route_name: gathercontent.import_config_form
- description: 'Global configuration for the import process'
- parent: gathercontent.admin_gathercontent
- weight: 2
- entity.gathercontent_mapping.collection:
- title: 'Manage Mappings'
- route_name: entity.gathercontent_mapping.collection
- parent: gathercontent.admin_gathercontent
- weight: 3
- gathercontent.import_select_form:
- title: 'Import content'
- route_name: gathercontent.import_select_form
- parent: gathercontent.admin_gathercontent
- weight: 4
- gathercontent.remove_local_data_form:
- title: 'Remove local data'
- route_name: gathercontent.remove_local_data_form
- parent: gathercontent.admin_gathercontent
- weight: 5
- gathercontent.update_select_form:
- title: 'Update content from GatherContent'
- route_name: gathercontent.update_select_form
- parent: system.admin_content
- weight: 99
- gathercontent.upload_select_form:
- title: 'Upload changes to GatherContent'
- route_name: gathercontent.upload_select_form
- parent: system.admin_content
- weight: 100