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function gathercontent_import_process in GatherContent 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 gathercontent.module \gathercontent_import_process()
  2. 8.3 gathercontent.module \gathercontent_import_process()
  3. 8.4 gathercontent.module \gathercontent_import_process()

Batch operation callback.

We are doing real import thing here.


int $content_id: ID of content we want to import.

int $status_id: ID of status, if 0 then we don't want to change status.

string $uuid: UUID of operation.

bool $drupal_status: Status on node in Drupal - published/unpublished.

int|null $parent_menu_item:

string $node_update_method: Name of the node update method.

array $context: Context of operation.

2 string references to 'gathercontent_import_process'
drush_gathercontent_import in ./
Implements drush_COMMAND().
gathercontent_import_form_confirm_submit in ./


./, line 654


function gathercontent_import_process($content_id, $status_id, $uuid, $drupal_status, $parent_menu_item = NULL, $node_update_method, &$context) {
  if (($nid = _gathercontent_fetcher($content_id, $uuid, $drupal_status, $status_id, NULL, $parent_menu_item, $node_update_method)) !== FALSE) {
    if ($status_id != 0) {

      // Change status.
      $content_obj = new Content();
        ->updateStatus($content_id, $status_id);
  $context['results']['uuid'] = $uuid;