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function gc_mapping_edit_form_validate in GatherContent 8

Validation callback for edit mapping form.

In this function, we validate if:

  • title of title_field is mapped
  • each field is used only once, if we are mapping single language

content type or page OR

  • each field is used only once per fieldset, if we are mapping multilingual
  • each language is used only once except `und`.



forms/, line 304
Multistep mapping form.


function gc_mapping_edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['triggering_element']['#id'] == 'edit-submit') {
    $form_definition_elements = array(
    $non_data_elements = array_merge($form_definition_elements, array(
    $mapping_data = array();
    foreach ($form_state['values'] as $key => $value) {
      if (!in_array($key, $non_data_elements) && substr_compare($key, 'tab', 0, 3) === 0) {
        $mapping_data[$key] = $value;

    // Check if is translatable.
    $mapping_entity = \Drupal::entityManager()
      ->getStorage('gc_mapping', array(
    $mapping = reset($mapping_entity);
    $content_type = empty($mapping->content_type) ? $form_state['values']['content_type'] : $mapping->content_type;
    $translatable = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('entity_translation') && \Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('title') && entity_translation_node_supported_type($content_type) && title_field_replacement_enabled('node', $content_type, 'title');

    // Validate if each language is used only once
    // for translatable content types.
    $content_lang = array();
    $metatag_lang = array();
    if ($translatable) {
      foreach ($mapping_data as $tab_id => $tab) {
        $tab_type = isset($tab['type']) ? $tab['type'] : 'content';
        if ($tab['language'] != 'und') {
          if (!in_array($tab['language'], ${$tab_type . '_lang'})) {
            ${$tab_type . '_lang'}[] = $tab['language'];
          else {
            form_set_error($tab_id . '[language]', t('Each language can be used only once'));

    // Validate if each field is used only once.
    $content_fields = array();
    $metatag_fields = array();
    if ($translatable) {
      foreach ($content_lang as $lang) {
        $content_fields[$lang] = array();
      foreach ($metatag_lang as $lang) {
        $metatag_fields[$lang] = array();
      $content_fields['und'] = $metatag_fields['und'] = array();
    foreach ($mapping_data as $tab_id => $tab) {
      $tab_type = isset($tab['type']) ? $tab['type'] : 'content';
      if (isset($tab['elements'])) {
        foreach ($tab['elements'] as $k => $element) {
          if (empty($element)) {
          if ($translatable) {
            if (!in_array($element, ${$tab_type . '_fields'}[$tab['language']])) {
              ${$tab_type . '_fields'}[$tab['language']][] = $element;
            else {
              form_set_error($tab_id, t('A GatherContent field can only be mapped to a single Drupal field. So each field can only be mapped to once.'));
          else {
            if (!in_array($element, ${$tab_type . '_fields'})) {
              ${$tab_type . '_fields'}[] = $element;
            else {
              form_set_error($tab_id, t('A GatherContent field can only be mapped to a single Drupal field. So each field can only be mapped to once.'));

    // Validate if at least one field in mapped.
    if (!$translatable && empty($content_fields) && empty($metatag_fields)) {
      form_set_error('form', t('You need to map at least one field to create mapping.'));
    elseif ($translatable && count($content_fields) === 1 && empty($content_fields['und']) && empty($metatag_fields['und']) && count($metatag_fields) === 1) {
      form_set_error('form', t('You need to map at least one field to create mapping.'));

    // Validate if title is mapped for translatable content.
    if ($translatable) {
      foreach ($content_fields as $k => $lang_fields) {
        if (!in_array('field_title', $lang_fields) && $k != \Drupal\Core\Language\Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
          form_set_error('form', t('You have to map Drupal Title field for translatable content'));