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function galleryformatter_field_formatter_view in Gallery formatter 7

Implements hook_field_formatter_view().


./galleryformatter.module, line 174


function galleryformatter_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
  $element = array();

  // if there are no images, dont do anything else
  if (empty($items)) {
    return $element;
  $modulepath = drupal_get_path('module', 'galleryformatter');
  $settings = $display['settings'];
  $settings['style'] = strtolower($settings['style']);

  // Media field support (only images)
  if ($field['type'] == 'media') {
    foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
      if ($item['file']->type == 'image') {
        $items[$delta] = (array) $item;

        // Compatibility with 7.x-1.0-beta4 and previous media versions
        $items[$delta]['uri'] = $item['file']->uri;
        $items[$delta]['filename'] = $item['file']->filename;

     * If it's not an image remove it from our items.
     * We need to do it on another foreach in order not to mess up the $delta on the next run above.
    $changed = FALSE;
    foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
      if ($item['file']->type !== 'image') {
        $changed = TRUE;

    // if we removed from $items, reset the array keys
    if ($changed) {
      $items = array_values($items);

  // Get the dimensions, and remove unfound files,
  // to avoid errors when the image is no longer on the server but still in the image field.
  $changed = FALSE;
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
    $dimensions['slides'] = galleryformatter_getimage_dimensions($settings['slide_style'], $items[$delta]['uri']);
    if (!$dimensions['slides']) {
      $changed = TRUE;

  // if we removed from $items, reset the array keys
  if ($changed) {
    $items = array_values($items);

  // if there are no images, dont do anything else
  if (empty($items)) {
    return $element;
  $dimensions['slides'] = galleryformatter_getimage_dimensions($settings['slide_style'], $items[0]['uri']);
  $dimensions['thumbs'] = galleryformatter_getimage_dimensions($settings['thumb_style'], $items[0]['uri']);
  $num_of_images = count($items);

  // prepare the renderable array
  $renderitems = array();
  $renderitems['thumbs'] = array();

  // get the unique entity id for later
  $ids = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
  $entity_id = $ids[0];
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {

     *  prepare slides

    // Grab and sanitize image information
    // $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['description'] = $item['description']; // so far no description in d7 image fields
    if (!empty($item['title'])) {

      // Sanitize the title
      if (strpos($item['title'], '<') !== FALSE) {
        $item['title'] = strip_tags($item['title']);
    else {
      $item['title'] = '';

      // prevents php notices
    $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['title'] = $item['title'];
    $item['filename'] = $item['filename'] = '';

    // Check if alt attribute is already set and sanitize it, if not use the filename as alt attribute
    if (isset($item['alt']) && !empty($item['alt'])) {
      if (strpos($item['alt'], '<') !== FALSE) {
        $item['alt'] = strip_tags($item['alt']);
    else {
      $item['alt'] = $item['filename'];
    $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['alt'] = $item['alt'];

    // If the title is empty use alt or the node title in that order.
    if (empty($item['title'])) {
      if (!empty($item['alt'])) {
        $item['title'] = $item['alt'];
      else {
        if (!empty($entity->title)) {
          if (strpos($entity->title, '<') !== FALSE) {
            $item['title'] = strip_tags($entity->title);
          else {
            $item['title'] = $entity->title;

        // if we have more than one image, add the image count to the title so they are not all the same.
        $item['title'] = $num_of_images > 1 ? $item['title'] . t(' image ') . ($delta + 1) : $item['title'];

    // prepare the unique hash id per image
    $slideset_id = $field['field_name'] . '-' . $entity_id;
    $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['hash_id'] = 'slide-' . $delta . '-' . $slideset_id;
    $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['image'] = theme('image_formatter', array(
      'item' => $item,
      'image_style' => $settings['slide_style'],
    if ($settings['link_to_full'] == TRUE) {
      $settings['linking_method'] = isset($settings['linking_method']) ? $settings['linking_method'] : '';

      /* @TODO
          * doesnt work yet
         $vars['gallery_style'] = 'galleryformatter-view-full '; // give the gallery a class for themers to play with
         * */
      $link_attributes = array(
        'title' => $item['title'],
        'class' => '',
      if ($settings['linking_method'] !== 'onclick_full') {
        $link_attributes['class'] = 'shownext';

      // integration with other modules for jQuery modal windows
      switch ($settings['modal']) {
        case 'none':
        case 'colorbox':
          $link_attributes['class'] .= $settings['linking_method'] == 'onclick_full' ? 'colorbox' : ' colorbox';
          $link_attributes['rel'] = 'gallery-[' . $slideset_id . ']';
        case 'shadowbox':
          $link_attributes['rel'] = 'shadowbox[' . $slideset_id . ']';
          $element['#attached']['library'][] = array(
        case 'lightbox2':
          $link_attributes['rel'] = 'lightbox[' . $slideset_id . ']';
        case 'fancybox':
          $link_attributes['class'] = 'fancybox';
          $link_attributes['rel'] = 'fancybox[' . $slideset_id . ']';
      $link_url = $settings['link_to_full_style'] ? image_style_url($settings['link_to_full_style'], $item['uri']) : file_create_url($item['uri']);

      // link the slide image and include the span for the icon
      $link_content = $settings['linking_method'] == 'show_full_link' ? '<span class="view-full" title="' . t('View the full image') . '">' . t('View the full image') . '</span>' : '';
      $image_rendered = $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['image'];
      $link_content .= $settings['linking_method'] == 'onclick_full' ? $image_rendered : '';
      $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['image'] = l($link_content, $link_url, array(
        'attributes' => $link_attributes,
        'html' => TRUE,
      $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['image'] .= $settings['linking_method'] == 'onclick_full' ? '' : $image_rendered;
      $renderitems['slides'][$delta]['full_image_url'] = $link_url;

    // END linking to original

     *  prepare thumbs
    if ($num_of_images > 1) {
      $renderitems['thumbs'][$delta]['image'] = theme('image_formatter', array(
        'item' => $item,
        'image_style' => $settings['thumb_style'],
      $renderitems['thumbs'][$delta]['hash_id'] = 'slide-' . $delta . '-' . $slideset_id;
  if ($num_of_images > 1) {
    drupal_add_js($modulepath . '/theme/infiniteCarousel.js');
    drupal_add_js($modulepath . '/theme/galleryformatter.js');
  drupal_add_css($modulepath . '/theme/galleryformatter.css');

  // prepare the variables for our theme function
  $element['#theme'] = 'galleryformatter';
  $element['#slides'] = $renderitems['slides'];
  $element['#thumbs'] = $renderitems['thumbs'];
  $element['#settings'] = $settings;
  $element['#dimensions'] = $dimensions;
  return array(