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function ga_push_browser_event_access in GA Push 7

Control the access to the ga push browser event.

@global type $user


string $op: Entity access operation.

object $event: GA push browser event.

object $account: User.

string $entity_type: Entity type.

Return value

bool Access.

1 string reference to 'ga_push_browser_event_access'
ga_push_browser_entity_info in modules/browser/ga_push_browser.module
Implements hook_entity_info().


modules/browser/ga_push_browser.module, line 173
Drupal Module: GA Push (browser).


function ga_push_browser_event_access($op, $event, $account = NULL, $entity_type = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  return user_access('admin ga push', $account);