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function ga_push_push_data_mapper in GA Push 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 ga_push.module \ga_push_push_data_mapper()

Helper function to translate data keys.


array $key_map: Array with keys to translate.

array $data: Data push array.

bool $initialize_empty: Initialize empty values.

Return value

array Mapped data.

1 call to ga_push_push_data_mapper()
ga_push_add_legacy_params in ./ga_push.module
Maps old method keys to the new ones. This function is for legacy compatibility and will be removed on next releases.


./ga_push.module, line 939
Drupal Module: GA Push.


function ga_push_push_data_mapper($key_map, $data, $initialize_empty = FALSE) {
  $mapped_data = array();
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    $mkey = isset($key_map[$key]) ? $key_map[$key] : $key;
    $mapped_data[$mkey] = $value;
  if ($initialize_empty) {
    $mapped_data += array_fill_keys($key_map, '');
  return $mapped_data;