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function ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map in GA Push 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 ga_push.module \ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map()

Key relationship map between analyticsjs & measurement_protocol.

See also

1 call to ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map()
ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_mapping in ./ga_push.module
Translates Analytics.js keys to UTMP keys.


./ga_push.module, line 774
Drupal Module: GA Push.


function ga_push_analyticsjs_measurement_protocol_map() {
  return array(
    // Application:
    'appName' => 'an',
    'appId' => 'aid',
    'appVersion' => 'av',
    'appInstallerId' => 'aiid',
    // Ecommerce:
    'id' => 'ti',
    'affiliation' => 'ta',
    'revenue' => 'tr',
    'tax' => 'tt',
    'shipping' => 'ts',
    'currency' => 'cu',
    'name' => 'in',
    'price' => 'ip',
    'quantity' => 'iq',
    'sku' => 'ic',
    'category' => 'iv',
    // Enhanced ecommerce:
    'coupon' => 'cc',
    'checkoutStep' => 'cos',
    'checkoutOption' => 'col',
    'productActionList' => 'pal',
    // Event:
    'eventCategory' => 'ec',
    'eventAction' => 'ea',
    'eventLabel' => 'el',
    'eventValue' => 'ev',
    'nonInteraction' => 'ni',
    // Exception:
    'exDescription' => 'exd',
    'exFatal' => 'exf',
    // Pageview:
    'location' => 'dh',
    'page' => 'dp',
    'title' => 'dt',
    // Social:
    'socialNetwork' => 'sn',
    'socialAction' => 'sa',
    'socialTarget' => 'st',