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abstract class GoogleAuthenticator in Google Authenticator login 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 ga4php.php \GoogleAuthenticator


Expanded class hierarchy of GoogleAuthenticator


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abstract class GoogleAuthenticator {
  function __construct($totpskew = 1, $hotpskew = 10, $hotphuntvalue = 200000) {

    // the hotpskew is how many tokens forward we look to find the input
    // code the user used
    $this->hotpSkew = $hotpskew;

    // the totpskew value is how many tokens either side of the current
    // token we should check, based on a time skew.
    $this->totpSkew = $totpskew;

    // the hotphuntvalue is what we use to resync tokens.
    // when a user resyncs, we search from 0 to $hutphutvalue to find
    // the two token codes the user has entered - 200000 seems like overkill
    // really as i cant imagine any token out there would ever make it
    // past 200000 token code requests.
    $this->hotpHuntValue = $hotphuntvalue;

  // pure abstract functions that need to be overloaded when
  // creating a sub class
  abstract function getData($username);
  abstract function putData($username, $data);
  abstract function getUsers();

  // a function to create an empty data structure, filled with some defaults
  function createEmptyData() {
    $data["tokenkey"] = "";

    // the token key
    $data["tokentype"] = "HOTP";

    // the token type
    $data["tokentimer"] = 30;

    // the token timer (For totp) and not supported by ga yet
    $data["tokencounter"] = 1;

    // the token counter for hotp
    $data["tokenalgorithm"] = "SHA1";

    // the token algorithm (not supported by ga yet)
    $data["user"] = "";

    // a place for implementors to store their own data
    return $data;

  // custom data field manipulation bits
  function setCustomData($username, $data) {
    $data = $this
    $data["user"] = $key;
      ->internalPutData($username, $data);
  function getCustomData($username) {
    $data = $this
    $custom = $data["user"];
    return $custom;

  // an internal funciton to get data from the overloaded functions
  // and turn them into php arrays.
  function internalGetData($username) {
    $data = $this
    $deco = unserialize(base64_decode($data));
    if (!$deco) {
      $deco = $this
    return $deco;

  // the function used inside the class to put the data into the
  // datastore using the overloaded data saving class
  function internalPutData($username, $data) {
    if ($data == "") {
      $enco = "";
    else {

      // $data['user'] = $username;
      $enco = base64_encode(serialize($data));
    return $this
      ->putData($username, $enco);

  // set the token type the user it going to use.
  // this defaults to HOTP - we only do 30s token
  // so lets not be able to set that yet
  function setTokenType($username, $tokentype) {
    $tokentype = strtoupper($tokentype);
    if ($tokentype != "HOTP" && $tokentype != "TOTP") {
      $this->errorText = "Invalid Token Type";
      return false;
    $data = $this
    $data["tokentype"] = $tokentype;
    return $this
      ->internalPutData($username, $data);

  // create "user" with insert
  function setUser($username, $ttype = "HOTP", $key = "", $hexkey = "") {
    $ttype = strtoupper($ttype);
    if ($ttype != "HOTP" && $ttype != "TOTP") {
      return false;
    if ($key == "") {
      $key = $this
    $hkey = $this
    if ($hexkey != "") {
      $hkey = $hexkey;
    $token = $this
    $token["tokenkey"] = $hkey;
    $token["tokentype"] = $ttype;
    if (!$this
      ->internalPutData($username, $token)) {
      return false;
    return $key;

  // a function to determine if the user has an actual token
  function hasToken($username) {
    $token = $this

    // TODO: change this to a pattern match for an actual key
    if (!isset($token["tokenkey"])) {
      return false;
    if ($token["tokenkey"] == "") {
      return false;
    return true;

  // sets the key for a user - this is assuming you dont want
  // to use one created by the application. returns false
  // if the key is invalid or the user doesn't exist.
  function setUserKey($username, $key) {

    // consider scrapping this
    $token = $this
    $token["tokenkey"] = $key;
      ->internalPutData($username, $token);

    // TODO error checking
    return true;

  // self explanitory?
  function deleteUser($username) {

    // oh, we need to figure out how to do thi?
      ->internalPutData($username, "");

  // user has input their user name and some code, authenticate
  // it
  function authenticateUser($username, $code) {
    if (preg_match("/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/", $code) < 1) {
      $this->errorText = "6 digits please";
      return false;

    //error_log("begin auth user");
    $tokendata = $this

    //$asdf = print_r($tokendata, true);

    //error_log("dat is $asdf");
    if ($tokendata["tokenkey"] == "") {
      $this->errorText = "No Assigned Token";
      return false;

    // TODO: check return value
    $ttype = $tokendata["tokentype"];
    $tlid = $tokendata["tokencounter"];
    $tkey = $tokendata["tokenkey"];

    //$asdf = print_r($tokendata, true);

    //error_log("dat is $asdf");
    switch ($ttype) {
      case "HOTP":
        error_log("in hotp");
        $st = $tlid + 1;
        $en = $tlid + $this->hotpSkew;
        for ($i = $st; $i < $en; $i++) {
          $stest = $this
            ->oath_hotp($tkey, $i);

          //error_log("testing code: $code, $stest, $tkey, $tid");
          if ($code == $stest) {
            $tokendata["tokencounter"] = $i;
              ->internalPutData($username, $tokendata);
            return true;
        return false;
      case "TOTP":
        error_log("in totp");
        $t_now = time();
        $t_ear = $t_now - $this->totpSkew * $tokendata["tokentimer"];
        $t_lat = $t_now + $this->totpSkew * $tokendata["tokentimer"];
        $t_st = (int) ($t_ear / $tokendata["tokentimer"]);
        $t_en = (int) ($t_lat / $tokendata["tokentimer"]);

        //error_log("kmac: $t_now, $t_ear, $t_lat, $t_st, $t_en");
        for ($i = $t_st; $i <= $t_en; $i++) {
          $stest = $this
            ->oath_hotp($tkey, $i);
          error_log("testing code: {$code}, {$stest}, {$tkey}\n");
          if ($code == $stest) {
            return true;
        return false;
    return false;

  // this function allows a user to resync their key. If too
  // many codes are called, we only check up to 20 codes in the future
  // so if the user is at 21, they'll always fail.
  function resyncCode($username, $code1, $code2) {

    // here we'll go from 0 all the way thru to 200k.. if we cant find the code, so be it, they'll need a new one
    // for HOTP tokens we start at x and go to x+20
    // for TOTP we go +/-1min TODO = remember that +/- 1min should
    // be changed based on stepping if we change the expiration time
    // for keys
    //		$this->dbConnector->query('CREATE TABLE "tokens" ("token_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"token_key" TEXT NOT NULL, "token_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "token_lastid" INTEGER NOT NULL)');
    $tokendata = $this

    // TODO: check return value
    $ttype = $tokendata["tokentype"];
    $tlid = $tokendata["tokencounter"];
    $tkey = $tokendata["tokenkey"];
    if ($tkey == "") {
      $this->errorText = "No Assigned Token";
      return false;
    switch ($ttype) {
      case "HOTP":
        $st = 0;
        $en = $this->hotpHuntValue;
        for ($i = $st; $i < $en; $i++) {
          $stest = $this
            ->oath_hotp($tkey, $i);

          //echo "code: $code, $stest, $tkey\n";
          if ($code1 == $stest) {
            $stest2 = $this
              ->oath_hotp($tkey, $i + 1);
            if ($code2 == $stest2) {
              $tokendata["tokencounter"] = $i + 1;
                ->internalPutData($username, $tokendata);
              return true;
        return false;
      case "TOTP":

        // ignore it?
        echo "how the frig did i end up here?";
    return false;

  // gets the error text associated with the last error
  function getErrorText() {
    return $this->errorText;

  // create a url compatibile with google authenticator.
  function createURL($user) {

    // oddity in the google authenticator... hotp needs to be lowercase.
    $data = $this
    $toktype = $data["tokentype"];
    $key = $this

    // token counter should be one more then current token value, otherwise
    // it gets confused
    $counter = $data["tokencounter"] + 1;
    $toktype = strtolower($toktype);
    if ($toktype == "hotp") {
      $url = "otpauth://{$toktype}/{$user}?secret={$key}&counter={$counter}";
    else {
      $url = "otpauth://{$toktype}/{$user}?secret={$key}";

    //echo "url: $url\n";
    return $url;

  // creeates a base 32 key (random)
  function createBase32Key() {
    $key = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
      $offset = rand(0, strlen($alphabet) - 1);

      //echo "$i off is $offset\n";
      $key .= $alphabet[$offset];
    return $key;

  // returns a hex key
  function getKey($username) {
    $data = $this
    $key = $data["tokenkey"];
    return $key;

  // get key type
  function getTokenType($username) {
    $data = $this
    $toktype = $data["tokentype"];
    return $toktype;

  // TODO: lots of error checking goes in here
  function helperb322hex($b32) {
    $out = "";
    $dous = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($b32); $i++) {
      $in = strrpos($alphabet, $b32[$i]);
      $b = str_pad(base_convert($in, 10, 2), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
      $out .= $b;
      $dous .= $b . ".";
    $ar = str_split($out, 20);

    //echo "$dous, $b\n";

    $out2 = "";
    foreach ($ar as $val) {
      $rv = str_pad(base_convert($val, 2, 16), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

      //echo "rv: $rv from $val\n";
      $out2 .= $rv;

    //echo "$out2\n";
    return $out2;

  // TODO: lots of error checking goes in here
  function helperhex2b32($hex) {
    $ar = str_split($hex, 5);
    $out = "";
    foreach ($ar as $var) {
      $bc = base_convert($var, 16, 2);
      $bin = str_pad($bc, 20, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
      $out .= $bin;

      //echo "$bc was, $var is, $bin are\n";
    $out2 = "";
    $ar2 = str_split($out, 5);
    foreach ($ar2 as $var2) {
      $bc = base_convert($var2, 2, 10);
      $out2 .= $alphabet[$bc];
    return $out2;

  // i've put alot of faith in the code from the
  // php site's examples for the hash_hmac algorithm
  // i assume its mostly correct but i should do
  // some testing to verify this is actually the case
  function oath_hotp($key, $counter) {
    $key = pack("H*", $key);
    $cur_counter = array(
    for ($i = 7; $i >= 0; $i--) {
      $cur_counter[$i] = pack('C*', $counter);
      $counter = $counter >> 8;
    $bin_counter = implode($cur_counter);

    // Pad to 8 chars
    if (strlen($bin_counter) < 8) {
      $bin_counter = str_repeat(chr(0), 8 - strlen($bin_counter)) . $bin_counter;

    // HMAC
    $hash = hash_hmac('sha1', $bin_counter, $key);
    return str_pad($this
      ->oath_truncate($hash), 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
  function oath_truncate($hash, $length = 6) {

    // Convert to dec
    foreach (str_split($hash, 2) as $hex) {
      $hmac_result[] = hexdec($hex);

    // Find offset
    $offset = $hmac_result[19] & 0xf;

    // Algorithm from RFC
    return (($hmac_result[$offset + 0] & 0x7f) << 24 | ($hmac_result[$offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16 | ($hmac_result[$offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8 | $hmac_result[$offset + 3] & 0xff) % pow(10, $length);

  // some private data bits.
  private $getDatafunction;
  private $putDatafunction;
  private $errorText;
  private $errorCode;
  protected $hotpSkew;
  protected $totpSkew;
  protected $hotpHuntValue;

