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class FuzzySearchService in Fuzzy Search 7

Search service class using the database for storing index information.


Expanded class hierarchy of FuzzySearchService

1 string reference to 'FuzzySearchService'
fuzzysearch_search_api_service_info in ./fuzzysearch.module
Implements hook_search_api_service_info().


includes/, line 6

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class FuzzySearchService extends SearchApiAbstractService {
  protected $previousDb;
  protected $queryOptions = array();
  protected $ignored = array();
  protected $warnings = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function configurationForm(array $form, array &$form_state) {
    if (empty($this->options)) {
      global $databases;
      foreach ($databases as $key => $targets) {
        foreach ($targets as $target => $info) {
          $options[$key]["{$key}:{$target}"] = "{$key} > {$target}";
      if (count($options) > 1 || count(reset($options)) > 1) {
        $form['database'] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => t('Database'),
          '#description' => t('Select the database key and target to use for storing indexing information in. Cannot be changed after creation.'),
          '#options' => $options,
          '#default_value' => 'default:default',
          '#required' => TRUE,
      else {
        $form['database'] = array(
          '#type' => 'value',
          '#value' => "{$key}:{$target}",
      $form['min_chars'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Minimum word length'),
        '#description' => t('The minimum number of characters a word must consist of to be indexed. A higher Fuzzy Search ngram length will override this.'),
        '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(
        '#default_value' => 3,
    else {
      $form = array(
        'database' => array(
          '#type' => 'value',
          // Slight hack for the "View server" page.
          '#title' => t('Database'),
          '#value' => $this->options['database'],
        'database_text' => array(
          '#type' => 'item',
          '#title' => t('Database'),
          '#markup' => check_plain(str_replace(':', ' > ', $this->options['database'])),
        'min_chars' => array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => t('Minimum word length'),
          '#description' => t('The minimum number of characters a word must consist of to be indexed.'),
          '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(
          '#default_value' => $this->options['min_chars'],
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function supportsFeature($feature) {
    return $feature == 'fuzzysearch' || $feature == 'search_api_facets';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function postUpdate() {
    return $this->server->options != $this->server->original->options;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function preDelete() {
    if (empty($this->options['indexes'])) {
    foreach ($this->options['indexes'] as $index) {
      foreach ($index as $field) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addIndex(SearchApiIndex $index) {
    $this->options += array(
      'indexes' => array(),
    $indexes =& $this->options['indexes'];
    if (isset($indexes[$index->machine_name])) {

      // Easiest and safest method to ensure all of the index' data is
      // properly re-added.
    if (empty($index->options['fields']) || !is_array($index->options['fields'])) {

      // No fields, no work.
      $indexes[$index->machine_name] = array();
      return $this;
    $prefix = 'fuzzysearch_' . $index->machine_name . '_';
    $indexes[$index->machine_name] = array();
    foreach ($index
      ->getFields() as $name => $field) {
      $table = $this
        ->findFreeTable($prefix, $name);
        ->createFieldTable($index, $field, $table);
      $indexes[$index->machine_name][$name]['table'] = $table;
      $indexes[$index->machine_name][$name]['type'] = $field['type'];
      $indexes[$index->machine_name][$name]['boost'] = $field['boost'];

   * Helper method for finding free table names for fields.
   * MySQL 5.0 imposes a 64 characters length limit for table names, PostgreSQL
   * 8.3 only allows 63 characters. Therefore, always return a name at most 63
   * characters long.
  protected function findFreeTable($prefix, $name) {

    // A DB prefix might further reduce the maximum length of the table name.
    $maxlen = 63;
    list($key, $target) = explode(':', $this->options['database'], 2);
    if ($db_prefix = Database::getConnection($target, $key)
      ->tablePrefix()) {
      $maxlen -= drupal_strlen($db_prefix);
    $base = $table = drupal_substr($prefix . drupal_strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '_', $name)), 0, $maxlen);
    $i = 0;
    while (db_table_exists($table)) {
      $suffix = '_' . ++$i;
      $table = drupal_substr($base, 0, $maxlen - drupal_strlen($suffix)) . $suffix;
    return $table;

   * Helper method for creating the table for a field.
  protected function createFieldTable(SearchApiIndex $index, $field, $name) {
    $table = array(
      'name' => $name,
      'module' => 'fuzzysearch',
      'fields' => array(
        'item_id' => array(
          'description' => 'The primary identifier of the entity.',
          'not null' => TRUE,

    // The type of the item_id field depends on the ID field's type.
    $id_field = $index
    $table['fields']['item_id'] += $this
      ->sqlType($id_field['type'] == 'text' ? 'string' : $id_field['type']);
    if (isset($table['fields']['item_id']['length'])) {

      // A length of 255 is overkill for IDs. 50 should be more than enough.
      $table['fields']['item_id']['length'] = 50;
    $type = search_api_extract_inner_type($field['type']);
    if ($type == 'text') {
      $table['fields']['id'] = array(
        'description' => 'The ngram id.',
        'type' => 'serial',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
      $table['fields']['word_id'] = array(
        'description' => 'The word id.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
      $table['fields']['ngram'] = array(
        'description' => 'The ngram.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 50,
        'not null' => TRUE,
      $table['fields']['completeness'] = array(
        'description' => 'Completeness',
        'type' => 'float',
        'not null' => TRUE,
      $table['fields']['score'] = array(
        'description' => 'The score associated with this ngram.',
        'type' => 'float',
        'not null' => TRUE,
      $table['primary key'] = array(
      $table['indexes']['ngram'] = array(
      $table['indexes']['completeness'] = array(
    else {
      $table['fields']['value'] = $this
      $table['fields']['value'] += array(
        'description' => "The field's value for this item.",
      if ($type != $field['type']) {

        // This is a list type.
        $table['fields']['value']['not null'] = TRUE;
        $table['primary key'] = array(
      else {
        $table['primary key'] = array(
      $table['indexes']['value'] = $table['fields']['value'] == 'varchar' ? array(
      ) : array(
    $set = $this
    db_create_table($name, $table);
    if ($set) {

   * Helper to match Search API types to SQL types.
  protected function sqlType($type) {
    $type = search_api_extract_inner_type($type);
    switch ($type) {
      case 'string':
      case 'uri':
        return array(
          'type' => 'varchar',
          'length' => 255,
      case 'integer':
      case 'duration':

      // Convert dates into a timestamp.
      case 'date':
        return array(
          'type' => 'int',
      case 'decimal':
        return array(
          'type' => 'float',
      case 'boolean':
        return array(
          'type' => 'int',
          'size' => 'tiny',
        throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field type !type. Database search module might be out of sync with Search API.', array(
          '!type' => $type,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function fieldsUpdated(SearchApiIndex $index) {
    $fields =& $this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name];
    $new_fields = $index
    $reindex = FALSE;
    $cleared = FALSE;
    $set = $this
    foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
      if (!isset($new_fields[$name])) {
      $old_type = $field['type'];
      $new_type = $new_fields[$name]['type'];
      $fields[$name]['type'] = $new_type;
      $fields[$name]['boost'] = $new_fields[$name]['boost'];
      $old_inner_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($old_type);
      $new_inner_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($new_type);
      if ($old_type != $new_type) {
        if ($old_inner_type == 'text' || $new_inner_type == 'text' || search_api_list_nesting_level($old_type) != search_api_list_nesting_level($new_type)) {

          // A change in fulltext or list status necessitates completely
          // clearing the index.
          $reindex = TRUE;
          if (!$cleared) {
            $cleared = TRUE;
              ->deleteItems('all', $index);
            ->createFieldTable($index, $new_fields[$name], $field['table']);
        elseif ($this
          ->sqlType($old_inner_type) != $this
          ->sqlType($new_inner_type)) {

          // There is a change in SQL type. We don't have to clear the
          // index, since types can be converted.
          db_change_field($field['table'], 'value', 'value', $this
            ->sqlType($new_type) + array(
            'description' => "The field's value for this item.",
          $reindex = TRUE;
        elseif ($old_inner_type == 'date' || $new_inner_type == 'date') {

          // Even though the SQL type stays the same, we have to reindex
          // since conversion rules change.
          $reindex = TRUE;
      elseif (!$reindex && $new_inner_type == 'text' && $field['boost'] != $new_fields[$name]['boost']) {
        $multiplier = $new_fields[$name]['boost'] / $field['boost'];
        db_update($field['table'], $this->queryOptions)
          ->expression('score', 'score * :mult', array(
          ':mult' => $multiplier,
    $prefix = 'fuzzysearch_' . $index->machine_name . '_';

    // These are new fields that were previously not indexed.
    foreach ($new_fields as $name => $field) {
      $reindex = TRUE;
      $table = $this
        ->findFreeTable($prefix, $name);
        ->createFieldTable($index, $field, $table);
      $fields[$name]['table'] = $table;
      $fields[$name]['type'] = $field['type'];
      $fields[$name]['boost'] = $field['boost'];
    if ($set) {
    return $reindex;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function removeIndex($index) {
    $id = is_object($index) ? $index->machine_name : $index;
    if (!isset($this->options['indexes'][$id])) {
    $set = $this
    foreach ($this->options['indexes'][$id] as $field) {
    if ($set) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function indexItems(SearchApiIndex $index, array $items) {
    if (empty($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) {
      throw new SearchApiException(t('No field settings for index with id !id.', array(
        '!id' => $index->machine_name,
    $indexed = array();
    $set = $this
    foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
      try {
        if ($this
          ->indexItem($index, $id, $item)) {
          $indexed[] = $id;
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // We just log the error, hoping we can index the other items.
        watchdog('search api', $e
          ->getMessage(), NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    if ($set) {
    return $indexed;

   * Helper method to index a given item.
   * @param SearchApiIndex $index
   *   The search index for which the item should be indexed.
   * @param int|string $id
   *   Item ID.
   * @param array $item
   *   Associative array containing information about the item to be indexed:
   *   - type: One of the data types recognized by the Search API, or the
   *     special type "tokens" for fulltext fields.
   *   - original_type: The original type of the property, as defined by the
   *     datasource controller for the index's item type.
   *   - value: The value to index.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws Exception
   *   If indexing was prevented by a fundamental configuration error.
  protected function indexItem(SearchApiIndex $index, $id, array $item) {
    $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name];
    $txn = db_transaction('search_api_indexing', $this->queryOptions);
    try {
      foreach ($item as $name => $field) {
        $table = $fields[$name]['table'];
        $boost = $fields[$name]['boost'];
        db_delete($table, $this->queryOptions)
          ->condition('item_id', $id)
        $type = $field['type'];
        $value = $this
          ->convert($field['value'], $type, $field['original_type'], $index);
        $word_id = NULL;
        if (search_api_is_text_type($type, array(
        ))) {
          $words = array();
          foreach ($value as $token) {

            // Taken from core search to reflect less importance of words later
            // in the text.
            // Focus is a decaying value in terms of the amount of unique words
            // up to this point. From 100 words and more, it decays, to e.g. 0.5
            // at 500 words and 0.3 at 1000 words.
            $focus = min(1, 0.01 + 3.5 / (2 + count($words) * 0.015));
            $value =& $token['value'];
            if (is_numeric($value)) {
              $value = ltrim($value, '-0');
            elseif (drupal_strlen($value) < $this->options['min_chars']) {
            $value = drupal_strtolower($value);
            $token['score'] *= $focus;
            if (!isset($words[$value])) {
              $words[$value] = $token;
            else {
              $words[$value]['score'] += $token['score'];
          if ($words) {
            $query = db_insert($table, $this->queryOptions)
            foreach ($words as $word) {

              // Don't index if not preprocessed by fuzzysearch.
              if (!isset($word['ngrams'])) {
              if (!isset($word_id)) {
                $word_id = fuzzysearch_get_word_id($table);
              foreach ($word['ngrams'] as $ngram) {
                  'item_id' => $id,
                  'word_id' => $word_id,
                  'ngram' => $ngram,
                  'completeness' => $word['completeness'],
                  'score' => $word['score'] * $boost,
              $word_id = $query
        elseif (search_api_is_list_type($type)) {
          $values = array();
          if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $v) {
              if ($v !== NULL) {
                $values[$v] = TRUE;
            $values = array_keys($values);
          else {
            $values[] = $value;
          if ($values) {
            $insert = db_insert($table, $this->queryOptions)
            foreach ($values as $v) {
                'item_id' => $id,
                'value' => $v,
        else {
          db_insert($table, $this->queryOptions)
            'item_id' => $id,
            'value' => $value,
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw $e;
    return TRUE;

   * Helper for converting data to be indexed.
  protected function convert($value, $type, $original_type, SearchApiIndex $index) {
    if (search_api_is_list_type($type)) {
      $type = substr($type, 5, -1);
      $original_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($original_type);
      $ret = array();
      if (is_array($value)) {
        foreach ($value as $v) {
          $v = $this
            ->convert($v, $type, $original_type, $index);
          $ret = array_merge($ret, is_array($v) ? $v : array(
      return $ret;
    switch ($type) {
      case 'text':
        $ret = array();
        foreach (preg_split('/[^\\p{L}\\p{N}]+/u', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v) {
          if ($v) {
            $ret[] = array(
              'value' => $v,
              'score' => 1.0,
        $value = $ret;

      // FALL-THROUGH!
      case 'tokens':
        while (TRUE) {
          foreach ($value as $i => $v) {

            // Check for over-long tokens.
            $score = $v['score'];
            $v = $v['value'];
            if (drupal_strlen($v) > 50) {
              $words = preg_split('/[^\\p{L}\\p{N}]+/u', $v, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
              if (count($words) > 1 && max(array_map('drupal_strlen', $words)) <= 50) {

                // Overlong token is due to bad tokenizing.
                // Check for "Tokenizer" preprocessor on index.
                if (empty($index->options['processors']['search_api_tokenizer']['status'])) {
                  watchdog('search_api_db', 'An overlong word (more than 50 characters) was encountered while indexing, due to bad tokenizing. It is recommended to enable the "Tokenizer" preprocessor for indexes using database servers. Otherwise, the service class has to use its own, fixed tokenizing.', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
                else {
                  watchdog('search_api_db', 'An overlong word (more than 50 characters) was encountered while indexing, due to bad tokenizing. Please check your settings for the "Tokenizer" preprocessor to ensure that data is tokenized correctly.', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
              $tokens = array();
              foreach ($words as $word) {
                if (drupal_strlen($word) > 50) {
                  watchdog('search_api_db', 'An overlong word (more than 50 characters) was encountered while indexing: %word.<br />Database search servers currently cannot index such words correctly – the word was therefore trimmed to the allowed length.', array(
                    '%word' => $word,
                  ), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
                  $word = drupal_substr($word, 0, 50);
                $tokens[] = array(
                  'value' => $word,
                  'score' => $score,
              array_splice($value, $i, 1, $tokens);
              continue 2;
        return $value;
      case 'string':
      case 'uri':

        // For non-dates, PHP can handle this well enough.
        if ($original_type == 'date') {
          return date('%c', $value);
        if (drupal_strlen($value) > 255) {
          throw new SearchApiException(t("A string value longer than 255 characters was encountered. Such values currently aren't supported by the database backend."));
        return $value;
      case 'integer':
      case 'duration':
      case 'decimal':
        return 0 + $value;
      case 'boolean':
        return $value ? 1 : 0;
      case 'date':
        if (is_numeric($value) || !$value) {
          return 0 + $value;
        return strtotime($value);
        throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field type !type. Database search module might be out of sync with Search API.', array(
          '!type' => $type,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function deleteItems($ids = 'all', SearchApiIndex $index = NULL) {
    if (!$index) {
      if (empty($this->options['indexes'])) {
      $set = $this
      foreach ($this->options['indexes'] as $index) {
        foreach ($index as $fields) {

          // If you are using one or default fuzzysearch server it will
          // execute here.
          if (isset($fields['table']) && !empty($fields['table'])) {
            db_truncate($fields['table'], $this->queryOptions)
          else {

            // More than one server hits here.
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
              if (isset($field['table']) && !empty($field['table'])) {
                db_truncate($field['table'], $this->queryOptions)
      if ($set) {
    if (empty($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) {
    $set = $this
    foreach ($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name] as $field) {
      if (is_array($ids)) {
        db_delete($field['table'], $this->queryOptions)
          ->condition('item_id', $ids, 'IN')
      else {
        db_truncate($field['table'], $this->queryOptions)
    if ($set) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function search(SearchApiQueryInterface $query) {
    $time_method_called = microtime(TRUE);
    $set = $this
    $index = $query
    if (empty($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) {
      throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown index !id.', array(
        '!id' => $index->machine_name,
    $fuzzy = fuzzysearch_get_index_options($index);
    $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name];
    $keys =& $query
    $keys_set = (bool) $keys;
    $keys = $this
    if ($keys && !(is_array($keys) && count($keys) == 1)) {
      $fulltext_fields = $query
      if ($fulltext_fields) {
        $_fulltext_fields = $fulltext_fields;
        $fulltext_fields = array();
        foreach ($_fulltext_fields as $name) {
          if (!isset($fields[$name])) {
            throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field !field specified as search target.', array(
              '!field' => $name,
          if (!search_api_is_text_type($fields[$name]['type'])) {
            throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot perform fulltext search on field !field of type !type.', array(
              '!field' => $name,
              '!type' => $fields[$name]['type'],
          $fulltext_fields[$name] = $fields[$name];
        $db_query = $this
          ->createKeysQuery($keys, $fulltext_fields, $fields, $fuzzy);
        if (is_array($keys) && !empty($keys['#negation'])) {
            ->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(
            ':score' => 1,
      else {
        $msg = t('Search keys are given but no fulltext fields are defined.');
        watchdog('search api', $msg, NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
        $this->warnings[$msg] = 1;
    elseif ($keys_set) {
      $msg = t('No valid search keys were present in the query.');
      $this->warnings[$msg] = 1;
      $results = array(
        'result count' => 0,
        'results' => array(),
      $results['warnings'] = array_keys($this->warnings);
      $results['ignored'] = array_keys($this->ignored);
      return $results;
    $filter = $query
    if ($filter
      ->getFilters()) {
      if (!isset($db_query)) {
        $db_query = db_select($fields['search_api_language']['table'], 't', $this->queryOptions);
          ->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id');
          ->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(
          ':score' => 1,
      $condition = $this
        ->createFilterCondition($filter, $fields, $db_query);
      if ($condition) {
    if (!isset($db_query)) {
      $db_query = db_select($fields['search_api_language']['table'], 't', $this->queryOptions);
        ->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id');
        ->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(
        ':score' => 1,
    $time_processing_done = microtime(TRUE);
    $results = array();
    $count_query = $db_query

    // See @todo below.
    $results['result count'] = $count_query
    if ($results['result count']) {
      if ($query
        ->getOption('search_api_facets')) {
        $results['search_api_facets'] = $this
          ->getFacets($query, clone $db_query);
      $query_options = $query
      if (isset($query_options['offset']) || isset($query_options['limit'])) {
        $offset = isset($query_options['offset']) ? $query_options['offset'] : 0;
        $limit = isset($query_options['limit']) ? $query_options['limit'] : 1000000;
          ->range($offset, $limit);
      $sort = $query
      if ($sort) {
        foreach ($sort as $field_name => $order) {
          if ($order != 'ASC' && $order != 'DESC') {
            $msg = t('Unknown sort order !order. Assuming "ASC".', array(
              '!order' => $order,
            $this->warnings[$msg] = $msg;
            $order = 'ASC';
          if ($field_name == 'search_api_relevance') {
              ->orderBy('score', $order);
          if ($field_name == 'search_api_id') {
              ->orderBy('item_id', $order);
          if (!isset($fields[$field_name])) {
            throw new SearchApiException(t('Trying to sort on unknown field !field.', array(
              '!field' => $field_name,
          $field = $fields[$field_name];
          if (search_api_is_list_type($field['type'])) {
            throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot sort on field !field of a list type.', array(
              '!field' => $field_name,
          if (search_api_is_text_type($field['type'])) {
            throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot sort on fulltext field !field.', array(
              '!field' => $field_name,
          $alias = $this
            ->getTableAlias($field, $db_query);
            ->orderBy($alias . '.value', $order);
      else {

        // If there isn't a "percent" alias already, see if we can find the
        // completeness field to add the expression.
        if (($expressions = $db_query
          ->getExpressions()) != FALSE && !array_key_exists('percent', $expressions)) {
          foreach ($db_query
            ->getTables() as $alias => $tdata) {
            if (isset($tdata['table']) && is_string($tdata['table']) && db_field_exists($tdata['table'], 'completeness')) {
                ->addExpression('SUM(t.completeness)', 'percent');

        // Check for the expression before attempting to sort by it.
        if (($expressions = $db_query
          ->getExpressions()) != FALSE && array_key_exists('percent', $expressions)) {

          // If "sort by score" is selected, score before percent.
          if ($fuzzy['sort_score']) {
              ->orderBy('score', 'DESC');
              ->orderBy('percent', 'DESC');
          else {
              ->orderBy('percent', 'DESC');
              ->orderBy('score', 'DESC');
        else {
            ->orderBy('score', 'DESC');
      $result = $db_query
      $time_queries_done = microtime(TRUE);
      foreach ($result as $row) {
        $results['results'][$row->item_id] = array(
          'id' => $row->item_id,
          'score' => $row->score,
          // Have to check because in a views search we return results by
          // default, even without keys.
          'percent' => isset($row->percent) ? $row->percent : '',
    else {
      $time_queries_done = microtime(TRUE);
      $results['results'] = array();
    $results['result count'] = $count_query
    $results['warnings'] = array_keys($this->warnings);
    $results['ignored'] = array_keys($this->ignored);
    if ($set) {
    $time_end = microtime(TRUE);
    $results['performance'] = array(
      'complete' => $time_end - $time_method_called,
      'preprocessing' => $time_processing_done - $time_method_called,
      'execution' => $time_queries_done - $time_processing_done,
      'postprocessing' => $time_end - $time_queries_done,
    return $results;

   * Helper method for removing unnecessary nested expressions from keys.
  protected function prepareKeys($keys) {
    if (is_scalar($keys)) {
      $keys = $this
      return is_array($keys) ? $this
        ->eliminateDuplicates($keys) : $keys;
    elseif (!$keys) {
      return NULL;
    $keys = $this
    $conj = $keys['#conjunction'];
    $neg = !empty($keys['#negation']);
    foreach ($keys as $i => &$nested) {
      if (is_array($nested)) {
        $nested = $this
        if ($neg == !empty($nested['#negation'])) {
          if (isset($nested['#conjunction']) && $nested['#conjunction'] == $conj) {
            unset($nested['#conjunction'], $nested['#negation']);
            foreach ($nested as $renested) {
              $keys[] = $renested;
    $keys = array_filter($keys);
    if (($count = count($keys)) <= 2) {
      if ($count < 2 || isset($keys['#negation'])) {
        $keys = NULL;
      else {
        $keys = array_shift($keys);
    return $keys;

   * Helper method for splitting keys.
  protected function splitKeys($keys) {
    if (is_scalar($keys)) {
      $proc = drupal_strtolower(trim($keys));
      if (is_numeric($proc)) {
        $proc = ltrim($proc, '-');
      if (drupal_strlen($proc) < $this->options['min_chars']) {
        $this->ignored[$keys] = 1;
        return NULL;
      $words = preg_split('/[^\\p{L}\\p{N}]+/u', $proc, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
      if (count($words) > 1) {
        $proc = $this
        $proc['#conjunction'] = 'AND';
      return $proc;
    foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
      if (element_child($i)) {
        $keys[$i] = $this
    return array_filter($keys);

   * Helper method for eliminating duplicates from the search keys.
  protected function eliminateDuplicates($keys, &$words = array()) {
    foreach ($keys as $i => $word) {
      if (!element_child($i)) {
      if (is_scalar($word)) {
        if (isset($words[$word])) {
        else {
          $words[$word] = TRUE;
      else {
        $keys[$i] = $this
          ->eliminateDuplicates($word, $words);
    return $keys;

   * Helper method for creating a SELECT query for given search keys.
   * @return SelectQueryInterface
   *   A SELECT query returning item_id and score (or only item_id, if
   *   $keys['#negation'] is set).
  protected function createKeysQuery($keys, array $fields, array $all_fields, array $fuzzy) {
    if (!is_array($keys)) {
      $keys = array(
        '#conjunction' => 'AND',
        0 => $keys,
    $or = db_or();
    $and = db_and();
    $neg = !empty($keys['#negation']);
    $conj = $keys['#conjunction'];
    $words = array();
    $nested = array();
    $negated = array();
    $db_query = NULL;
    $mul_words = FALSE;

    // Whether the query will nest UNIONed subqueries (FALSE)
    // or just leave them that way (TRUE).
    $not_nested = FALSE;
    foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
      if (!element_child($i)) {
      if (is_scalar($key)) {
        $words[] = $key;
      elseif (empty($key['#negation'])) {
        if ($neg) {

          // If this query is negated, we also only need item_ids from
          // subqueries.
          $key['#negation'] = TRUE;
        $nested[] = $key;
      else {
        $negated[] = $key;
    $subs = count($words) + count($nested);
    $not_nested = $subs <= 1 && count($fields) == 1 || $neg && $conj == 'OR' && !$negated;
    if ($words) {
      if (count($words) > 1) {
        $mul_words = TRUE;
        foreach ($words as $word) {
          $ngrams = fuzzysearch_parse_word($word, $fuzzy);
          foreach ($ngrams['ngrams'] as $ngram) {
            $and = db_and();
              ->condition('ngram', $ngram)
              ->condition('completeness', $ngrams['comp_min'], '>=')
              ->condition('completeness', $ngrams['comp_max'], '<=');
      else {
        $word = array_shift($words);
      foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $table = $field['table'];
        $query = db_select($table, 't', $this->queryOptions);
        if ($neg) {
            ->fields('t', array(
        elseif ($not_nested) {
            ->fields('t', array(
        else {
        if ($mul_words) {
        else {
          $ngrams = fuzzysearch_parse_word($word, $fuzzy);
          foreach ($ngrams['ngrams'] as $ngram) {
            $and = db_and();
              ->condition('ngram', $ngram)
              ->condition('completeness', $ngrams['comp_min'], '>=')
              ->condition('completeness', $ngrams['comp_max'], '<=');
        if (!isset($db_query)) {
          $db_query = $query;
        elseif ($not_nested) {
            ->union($query, 'UNION');
        else {
            ->union($query, 'UNION ALL');

        // Clone the query for search excerpting.
        fuzzysearch_static_search_query(clone $db_query);

        // Group by word and then entity.
          ->addExpression('SUM(t.completeness)', 'percent');
          ->having('SUM(t.completeness) >= :value1', array(
          ':value1' => $fuzzy['min_completeness'],
    if ($nested) {
      $word = '';
      foreach ($nested as $k) {
        $query = $this
          ->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields);
        if (!$neg) {
          $word .= ' ';
          $var = ':word' . strlen($word);
            ->addExpression($var, 'word', array(
            $var => $word,
        if (!isset($db_query)) {
          $db_query = $query;
        elseif ($not_nested) {
            ->union($query, 'UNION');
        else {
            ->union($query, 'UNION ALL');
    if (isset($db_query) && !$not_nested) {
      $db_query = db_select($db_query, 't', $this->queryOptions);
        ->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id');
      if (!$neg) {
          ->addExpression('SUM(t.score)', 'score');
          ->addExpression('SUM(percent)', 'percent');
      if ($conj == 'AND' && $subs > 1) {
        $var = ':subs' . (int) $subs;
        if (!$db_query
          ->getGroupBy()) {

        // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
        //        if ($mul_words) {
        //          $db_query->having('COUNT(DISTINCT t.word) >= ' . $var, array($var => $subs));
        //        }
        //        else {
        //          $db_query->having('COUNT(DISTINCT t.word) >= ' . $var, array($var => $subs));
        //        }
        // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
    if ($negated) {
      if (!isset($db_query) || $conj == 'OR') {
        if (isset($all_fields['search_api_language'])) {

          // We use this table because all items should be contained exactly
          // once.
          $table = $all_fields['search_api_language']['table'];
        else {
          $distinct = TRUE;
          foreach ($all_fields as $field) {
            $table = $field['table'];
            if (!search_api_is_list_type($field['type']) && !search_api_is_text_type($field['type'])) {
        if (isset($db_query)) {

          // We are in a rather bizarre case where the keys are something like
          // "a OR (NOT b)".
          $old_query = $db_query;
        $db_query = db_select($table, 't', $this->queryOptions);
          ->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id');
        if (!$neg) {
            ->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(
            ':score' => 1,
        if (isset($distinct)) {
      if ($conj == 'AND') {
        foreach ($negated as $k) {
            ->condition('t.item_id', $this
            ->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields), 'NOT IN');
      else {
        $or = db_or();
        foreach ($negated as $k) {
            ->condition('t.item_id', $this
            ->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields), 'NOT IN');
        if (isset($old_query)) {
            ->condition('t.item_id', $old_query, 'NOT IN');
    return $db_query;

   * Helper method for finding any needed table for a filter query.
  protected function findTable(array $filters, array $fields) {
    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
      if (is_array($filter)) {
        return $fields[$filter[0]]['table'];
    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
      if (is_object($filter)) {
        $ret = $this
          ->getFilters(), $fields);
        if ($ret) {
          return $ret;

   * Helper method for creating a condition for filtering search results.
   * @return QueryConditionInterface
   *   Search results filter condition.
  protected function createFilterCondition(SearchApiQueryFilterInterface $filter, array $fields, SelectQueryInterface $db_query) {
    $cond = db_condition($filter
    $empty = TRUE;
    foreach ($filter
      ->getFilters() as $f) {
      if (is_object($f)) {
        $c = $this
          ->createFilterCondition($f, $fields, $db_query);
        if ($c) {
          $empty = FALSE;
      else {
        $empty = FALSE;
        if (!isset($fields[$f[0]])) {
          throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field in filter clause: !field.', array(
            '!field' => $f[0],
        if ($f[1] === NULL) {
          $query = db_select($fields[$f[0]]['table'], 't')
            ->fields('t', array(
            ->condition('t.item_id', $query, $f[2] == '<>' || $f[2] == '!=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN');
        if (search_api_is_text_type($fields[$f[0]]['type'])) {

          // #negation is set here purely because we don't want any score.
          $keys = array(
            '#conjunction' => 'AND',
            '#negation' => TRUE,
          $keys = $this
          $query = $this
            ->createKeysQuery($keys, array(
          ), $fields);
            ->condition('t.item_id', $query, $f[2] == '<>' || $f[2] == '!=' ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN');
        else {
          $alias = $this
            ->getTableAlias($fields[$f[0]], $db_query, search_api_is_list_type($fields[$f[0]]['type']));
            ->condition($alias . '.value', $f[1], $f[2]);
    return $empty ? NULL : $cond;

   * Helper method for adding a field's table to a database query.
   * @param array $field
   *   The field information array. The "table" key should contain the table
   *   name to which a join should be made.
   * @param SelectQueryInterface $db_query
   *   The database query used.
   * @param bool $newjoin
   *   If TRUE, a join is done even if the table was already joined to in the
   *   query.
   * @return string
   *   The unique alias that was assigned for this table.
  protected function getTableAlias(array $field, SelectQueryInterface $db_query, $newjoin = FALSE) {
    if (!$newjoin) {
      foreach ($db_query
        ->getTables() as $alias => $info) {
        $table = $info['table'];
        if (is_scalar($table) && $table == $field['table']) {
          return $alias;
    return $db_query
      ->join($field['table'], 't', 't.item_id = %alias.item_id');

   * Helper method for getting the facet values for a query.
  protected function getFacets(SearchApiQueryInterface $query, SelectQueryInterface $db_query) {

    // We only need the id field, not the score.
    $fields =& $db_query
    if (count($fields) != 1 || !isset($fields['item_id'])) {
      $this->warnings[] = t('Error while adding facets: only "item_id" field should be used, used are: @fields.', array(
        '@fields' => implode(', ', array_keys($fields)),
      return array();
    $expressions =& $db_query
    $expressions = array();
    $group_by =& $db_query
    $group_by = array();
    if (!$db_query
      ->preExecute()) {
      return array();
    $args = $db_query
    $table = db_query_temporary((string) $db_query, $args, $this->queryOptions);
    $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$query
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($query
      ->getOption('search_api_facets') as $key => $facet) {
      if (empty($fields[$facet['field']])) {
        $this->warnings[] = t('Unknown facet field @field.', array(
          '@field' => $facet['field'],
      $field = $fields[$facet['field']];
      $select = db_select($table, 't');
      $alias = $this
        ->getTableAlias($field, $select, TRUE);
        ->addField($alias, search_api_is_text_type($field['type']) ? 'word' : 'value', 'value');
        ->addExpression('COUNT(DISTINCT t.item_id)', 'num');
        ->orderBy('num', 'DESC');
      $limit = $facet['limit'];
      if ($limit) {
          ->range(0, $limit);
      if ($facet['min_count'] > 1) {
          ->having('num >= :count', array(
          ':count' => $facet['min_count'],
      if ($facet['missing']) {
        $inner_query = db_select($field['table'], 't1')
          ->fields('t1', array(
        $missing_count = db_select($table, 't');
          ->condition('item_id', $inner_query, 'NOT IN');
        $missing_count = $missing_count
        $missing_count = $missing_count >= $facet['min_count'] ? $missing_count : 0;
      else {
        $missing_count = 0;
      $terms = array();
      foreach ($select
        ->execute() as $row) {
        if ($missing_count && $missing_count > $row->num) {
          $terms[] = array(
            'count' => $missing_count,
            'filter' => '!',
          $missing_count = 0;
          if ($limit && count($terms) == $limit) {
        $terms[] = array(
          'count' => $row->num,
          'filter' => '"' . $row->value . '"',
      if ($missing_count && (!$limit || count($terms) < $limit)) {
        $terms[] = array(
          'count' => $missing_count,
          'filter' => '!',
      $ret[$key] = $terms;
    return $ret;

   * Helper method for setting the database to the one selected by the user.
  protected function setDb() {
    if (!isset($this->previousDb)) {
      list($key, $target) = explode(':', $this->options['database'], 2);
      $this->previousDb = db_set_active($key);
      if (!isset($this->queryOptions)) {
        $this->queryOptions = array(
          'target' => $target,
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Helper method for resetting the original database.
  protected function resetDb() {
    if (isset($this->previousDb)) {
      $this->previousDb = NULL;
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FuzzySearchService::$ignored protected property
FuzzySearchService::$previousDb protected property
FuzzySearchService::$queryOptions protected property
FuzzySearchService::$warnings protected property
FuzzySearchService::addIndex public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::addIndex
FuzzySearchService::configurationForm public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::configurationForm
FuzzySearchService::convert protected function Helper for converting data to be indexed.
FuzzySearchService::createFieldTable protected function Helper method for creating the table for a field.
FuzzySearchService::createFilterCondition protected function Helper method for creating a condition for filtering search results.
FuzzySearchService::createKeysQuery protected function Helper method for creating a SELECT query for given search keys.
FuzzySearchService::deleteItems public function Deletes indexed items from this server. Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::deleteItems
FuzzySearchService::eliminateDuplicates protected function Helper method for eliminating duplicates from the search keys.
FuzzySearchService::fieldsUpdated public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::fieldsUpdated
FuzzySearchService::findFreeTable protected function Helper method for finding free table names for fields.
FuzzySearchService::findTable protected function Helper method for finding any needed table for a filter query.
FuzzySearchService::getFacets protected function Helper method for getting the facet values for a query.
FuzzySearchService::getTableAlias protected function Helper method for adding a field's table to a database query.
FuzzySearchService::indexItem protected function Helper method to index a given item.
FuzzySearchService::indexItems public function Indexes the specified items. Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::indexItems
FuzzySearchService::postUpdate public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::postUpdate
FuzzySearchService::preDelete public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::preDelete
FuzzySearchService::prepareKeys protected function Helper method for removing unnecessary nested expressions from keys.
FuzzySearchService::removeIndex public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::removeIndex
FuzzySearchService::resetDb protected function Helper method for resetting the original database.
FuzzySearchService::search public function Executes a search on the server represented by this object. Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::search
FuzzySearchService::setDb protected function Helper method for setting the database to the one selected by the user.
FuzzySearchService::splitKeys protected function Helper method for splitting keys.
FuzzySearchService::sqlType protected function Helper to match Search API types to SQL types.
FuzzySearchService::supportsFeature public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::supportsFeature
SearchApiAbstractService::$options protected property Direct reference to the server's $options property.
SearchApiAbstractService::$server protected property
SearchApiAbstractService::configurationFormSubmit public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::configurationFormSubmit
SearchApiAbstractService::configurationFormValidate public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::configurationFormValidate
SearchApiAbstractService::getExtraInformation public function Returns additional, service-specific information about this server.
SearchApiAbstractService::postCreate public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::postCreate
SearchApiAbstractService::query public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::query
SearchApiAbstractService::viewSettings public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::viewSettings
SearchApiAbstractService::__construct public function Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct