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function fusion_apply_ui_edit in Fusion Accelerator 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 fusion_apply/fusion_apply_ui.module \fusion_apply_ui_edit()

Menu callback; prepares some variables and displays a Fusion Apply edit form.


$js: TRUE if called from javascript, FALSE otherwise.

$module: The module that we're editing settings of.

$element: The element of the object we're editing settings of.

$elements: An array of $element when more than one is returned from the preprocess index handler. Used by the javascript UI to update all elements involved.

1 string reference to 'fusion_apply_ui_edit'
fusion_apply_ui_menu in fusion_apply/fusion_apply_ui.module
Implements hook_menu().


fusion_apply/fusion_apply_ui.module, line 317
Handles Fusion Apply UI functionality allowing users to apply skins to their site.


function fusion_apply_ui_edit($js = FALSE, $module, $element, $elements = NULL) {
  if ($js) {

    // Do additional ajax related stuff.
  $arguments = array(
    'fusion_apply' => array(
      'module' => $module,
      'element' => $element,
      'elements' => $elements,
  return drupal_get_form('fusion_apply_ui_form', $arguments);