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function fusion_apply_config_info_default in Fusion Accelerator 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 fusion_apply/fusion_apply.module \fusion_apply_config_info_default()

Prepare default configuration data for modules.

@todo Search and destroy.

3 calls to fusion_apply_config_info_default()
fusion_apply_ui_form_alter in fusion_apply/fusion_apply_ui.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
fusion_apply_ui_form_submit in fusion_apply/fusion_apply_ui.module
Form submission handler for fusion_apply_ui_form_alter().
fusion_apply_ui_form_validate in fusion_apply/fusion_apply_ui.module
Form validation handler for fusion_apply_ui_form_alter().


fusion_apply/fusion_apply.module, line 1002
Handles core Fusion Apply functionality.


function fusion_apply_config_info_default() {
  return array(
    'access_handler' => 'fusion_apply_access_handler',
    'index_handler' => 'fusion_apply_index_handler',
    'data_handler' => 'fusion_apply_data_handler',
    'submit_handler' => 'fusion_apply_submit_handler',
    'submit_handler_attach_to' => array(
    'fusion_apply_title' => t('Apply skins - '),
    'fusion_apply_weight' => 1,
    'title' => '',
    'description' => t('Grayed out skins are not available for this element.  You are managing skins for the hook: '),
    'collapsed' => TRUE,
    'weight' => 0,