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function hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION in Fusion Accelerator 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 fusion_apply/fusion_apply.api.php \hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION()

Define the API version of Fusion Apply your code is compatible with.

This is required when creating a new Fusion Apply plugin. It checks to make sure your Skins are compatible with the installed version of Fusion Apply and takes care of loading the include files.

Return value

An associative array describing Fusion Apply API integration:

  • directory: (optional) The name of a sub-directory, in which include files containing skin or group definitions may be found.
  • path: (optional) The path to the directory containing the directory specified in 'directory'. Defaults to the path of the module or theme implementing the hook.

In case no Fusion Apply plugin include files exist for your implementation, simply define the function with an empty function body.

The "hook" prefix is substituted with the name of the module or theme that implements it, e.g. THEME_fusion_apply_api_VERSION() in template.php, or MODULE_fusion_apply_api_VERSION() in MODULE.module.

VERSION is normally identical to Fusion Apply's major version; e.g., "2".

Related topics

9 functions implement hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

block_fusion_apply_api_2 in fusion_apply/
comment_fusion_apply_api_2 in fusion_apply/
fusion_apply_fusion_apply_api_2 in fusion_apply/
Implements hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION().
fusion_apply_fusion_apply_api_modules in fusion_apply/
Helper function for built-in integration code.
fusion_apply_test_fusion_apply_api_2 in fusion_apply/tests/fusion_apply_test/fusion_apply_test.module
Implements hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION().

... See full list


fusion_apply/fusion_apply.api.php, line 117
This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


function hook_fusion_apply_api_VERSION() {
  return array(
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule'),
    'directory' => 'skins',