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function fullcalendar_get_js_path in FullCalendar 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  2. 8 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  3. 8.2 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  4. 8.3 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  5. 6.2 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  6. 6 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  7. 7.2 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()
  8. 7 fullcalendar.module \fullcalendar_get_js_path()

Returns the path to the FullCalendar plugin.

2 calls to fullcalendar_get_js_path()
fullcalendar_get_version in ./fullcalendar.module
Returns the version of FullCalendar plugin that is installed.
fullcalendar_requirements in ./fullcalendar.install
Implements hook_requirements().


./fullcalendar.module, line 172
Provides a views style plugin for FullCalendar


function fullcalendar_get_js_path() {
  $fullcalendar_file = [
    'none' => 'main.js',
    'min' => 'main.js',
  $config = \Drupal::config('fullcalendar.settings');
  return $config
    ->get('path') . '/' . $fullcalendar_file[$config