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class ForwardMail in Forward 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Plugin/Mail/ForwardMail.php \Drupal\forward\Plugin\Mail\ForwardMail
  2. 8 src/Plugin/Mail/ForwardMail.php \Drupal\forward\Plugin\Mail\ForwardMail
  3. 4.x src/Plugin/Mail/ForwardMail.php \Drupal\forward\Plugin\Mail\ForwardMail
  4. 4.0.x src/Plugin/Mail/ForwardMail.php \Drupal\forward\Plugin\Mail\ForwardMail

Defines a custom mail interface so that Forward emails can be sent as HTML.

Plugin annotation

  id = "forward_mail",
  label = @Translation("Forward HTML mailer"),
  description = @Translation("Sends the message as HTML, using PHP's native mail() function.")


Expanded class hierarchy of ForwardMail


src/Plugin/Mail/ForwardMail.php, line 17


View source
class ForwardMail extends PhpMail {

   * Concatenates and wraps the email body for HTML mails.
   * Unlike PHPMail, the message is not coverted to plain text by default.
   * @param array $message
   *   A message array, as described in hook_mail_alter(). If the 'params'
   *   subarray defines a 'plain_text' key with a TRUE value, the message will
   *   be converted from HTML into plain text before sending.
   * @return array
   *   The formatted $message.
  public function format(array $message) {

    // Join the body array into one string.
    $message['body'] = implode("\n\n", $message['body']);
    if (!empty($message['params']['plain_text'])) {
      $message['body'] = MailFormatHelper::htmlToText($message['body']);
      $message['body'] = MailFormatHelper::wrapMail($message['body']);
    return $message;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ForwardMail::format public function Concatenates and wraps the email body for HTML mails. Overrides PhpMail::format
PhpMail::$configFactory protected property The configuration factory.
PhpMail::mail public function Sends an email message. Overrides MailInterface::mail 2
PhpMail::_isShellSafe protected static function Disallows potentially unsafe shell characters.
PhpMail::__construct public function PhpMail constructor.