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function ForumAccessBaseTestCase::setUp2 in Forum Access 7

3 calls to ForumAccessBaseTestCase::setUp2()
ForumAccess11InitialConfigurationTestCase::testInitialConfiguration in tests/forum_access.test
ForumAccess12DefaultConfigurationTestCase::testAccess2 in tests/forum_access.test
ForumAccessBaseTestCase::createAndCheckForum in tests/forum_access_test_base.php


tests/forum_access_test_base.php, line 80
Base class with auxiliary functions for forum access module tests.


Base test class for the Forum Access module.


function setUp2() {
  $this->user1 = user_load(1);

  // Update uid 1's name and password so we know it.
  $password = user_password();
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('password_inc', 'includes/');
  $account = array(
    'name' => 'user1',
    'pass' => user_hash_password(trim($password)),

  // We cannot use user_save() here or the password would be hashed again.
    ->condition('uid', 1)

  // Reload and log in uid 1.
  $this->user1 = user_load(1, TRUE);
  $this->user1->pass_raw = $password;

  // Rebuild content access permissions
    ->drupalPost('admin/reports/status/rebuild', array(), t('Rebuild permissions'));
  if (module_exists('devel_node_access')) {

    // Enable Devel Node Access.
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/development/devel', array(
      'devel_node_access_debug_mode' => '1',
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Devel Node Access configuration saved.');

    // Enable the second DNA block, too.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/list', array(
      'blocks[devel_node_access_dna_user][region]' => 'footer',
    ), t('Save blocks'));
  if (module_exists('devel')) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/development/devel', array(
      'devel_error_handlers[]' => array(
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Devel configuration saved.');
      ->drupalPost('admin/people/permissions/list', array(
      '1[access devel information]' => 'access devel information',
      '2[access devel information]' => 'access devel information',
    ), t('Save permissions'));
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Devel permissions saved.');

    The base class creates the following users:
    $this->user1                = user 1
    $this->admin_user           = array('administer blocks', 'administer forums', 'administer menu', 'administer taxonomy', 'create forum content')); // 'access administration pages')
    $this->edit_any_topics_user = array('create forum content', 'edit any forum content', 'delete any forum content', 'access administration pages')
    $this->edit_own_topics_user = array('create forum content', 'edit own forum content', 'delete own forum content')
    $this->web_user             = array()

    Remove these users and roles and create the ones we need.
  user_role_delete((int) reset($this->admin_user->roles));
  user_role_delete((int) reset($this->edit_any_topics_user->roles));
  user_role_delete((int) reset($this->edit_own_topics_user->roles));

  // Get rids and uids up to 10/9.
  for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
    $dummy_rid = (int) $this
      ->drupalCreateRole(array(), 'dummy');
    $dummy_user = $this
      ->drupalCreateNamedUser('Dummy', array(

  // Create our roles.
  $this->admin_rid = 3;
  $this->webmaster_rid = (int) $this
    'administer blocks',
    'administer forums',
    'administer nodes',
    'administer comments',
    'administer menu',
    'administer taxonomy',
    'create forum content',
    'access content overview',
    'access administration pages',
    'view revisions',
    'revert revisions',
    'delete revisions',
  ), '11 webmaster');
  $this->forum_admin_rid = (int) $this
    'administer forums',
    'create forum content',
    'edit any forum content',
    'delete any forum content',
  ), '12 forum admin');
  $this->edndel_any_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
    'edit any forum content',
    'delete any forum content',
    'view own unpublished content',
  ), '13 edndel any content');
  $this->edndel_own_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
    'edit own forum content',
    'delete own forum content',
  ), '14 edndel own content');
  $this->edit_any_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
    'edit any forum content',
    'view own unpublished content',
  ), '15 edit any content');
  $this->edit_own_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
    'edit own forum content',
    'edit own comments',
  ), '16 edit own content');
  $this->delete_any_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
    'delete any forum content',
    'view own unpublished content',
  ), '17 delete any content');
  $this->delete_own_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
    'delete own forum content',
    'edit own comments',
  ), '18 delete own content');

  // EOC should not make any difference!
  $this->create_content_rid = (int) $this
    'create forum content',
  ), '19 create content');
  $this->anon_rid = DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID;
  $this->auth_rid = DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID;

  // Create our users.
  $this->admin_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('10_Administrator', array(
  $this->webmaster_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('11_Webmaster', array(
  $this->forum_admin_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('12_Forum_admin', array(
  $this->edndel_any_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('13_EdNDel_any_content', array(
  $this->edndel_own_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('14_EdNDel_own_content', array(
  $this->edit_any_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('15_Edit_any_content', array(
  $this->edit_own_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('16_Edit_own_content', array(
  $this->delete_any_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('17_Delete_any_content', array(
  $this->delete_own_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('18_Delete_own_content', array(
  $this->create_content_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('19_Create_content', array(
  $this->auth_user = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('20_Auth_only', array());
  $this->moderator = $this
    ->drupalCreateNamedUser('21_Moderator', array(
  $anon = drupal_anonymous_user();
  $anon->name = check_plain(format_username($anon));
  $this->accounts = array(
  $this->rids = array(

  // Show settings for reference.
    ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Permissions');
    ->drupalGet('admin/people', array(
    'query' => array(
      'sort' => 'asc',
      'order' => drupal_encode_path(t('Username')),
    ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Users');