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forum_access.test in Forum Access 7


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 * @file
 * Tests for Forum Access module.
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'forum') . '/forum.test';

 * Functional tests for the Forum module, with Forum Access (and ACL) installed.
class ForumAccess00PlainTestCase extends ForumTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '0. Forum functionality (with FA and ACL)',
      'description' => 'Run the Forum (!) module tests with Forum Access (and ACL) installed.',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',

   * Implements setUp().
  function setUp($modules = array()) {
    $modules = array(
    ) + $modules;
    $files = system_rebuild_module_data();
    $available_modules = array();
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      if (!empty($files[$module]) && !module_exists($module)) {
        $available_modules[] = $module;
    if (!empty($available_modules)) {

   * This test checks whether the Forum checkbox is enabled in the forum list.
   * With Forum Access enabled, the Forum checkbox necessarily gets disabled
   * and the test would fail.
   * @see ForumTestCase::testEnableForumField()
  function testEnableForumField() {
      ->assertTrue(TRUE, 'Skip the testEnableForumField() test.');

   * This test assumes that the node/add/forum page is accessible if there
   * are no forums defined. FA checks whether $user has Post access in any
   * forum, and if none is found, it returns a 403. This fulfills the
   * intention of the test.
   * @see ForumTestCase::testAddOrphanTopic()
  function testAddOrphanTopic() {
      ->assertTrue(TRUE, 'Skip the testAddOrphanTopic() test.');

require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'forum_access') . '/tests/forum_access_test_base.php';

 * Initial configuration tests for the Forum Access module.
class ForumAccess11InitialConfigurationTestCase extends ForumAccessBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '1. Forum Access Initial Configuration',
      'description' => 'Display and verify the initial configuration for all ensuing tests (roles, permissions, users, Forum Access default settings in a new forum).',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',
  function testInitialConfiguration() {
      ->pass('#########################<br />#1 - START test initial configuration @' . (time() - $this->time), '######');

    // Show permissions grid.
      ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Permissions');

    // Show list of users.

    // Show list of users.
      ->drupalGet('admin/people', array(
      'query' => array(
        'sort' => 'asc',
        'order' => drupal_encode_path(t('Username')),
      ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Users');

    // Show list of forums aka Forum Overview (only 'General discussion' at this point).
      ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Forums');

    // Show administrative list of forums.
      ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Forum Administration Overview');

    // Show default forum settings after installation of FA.
      ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ Forum 1 Administration');

    // Verify the checked state of the checkboxes.
    foreach (array(
    ) as $rid) {
      foreach ($this->accesses as $access) {
          ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-{$access}-{$rid}", "Role {$rid} does NOT have '{$access}'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-view-3", "administrator does NOT have 'view'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-create-3", "administrator does NOT have 'create'.");
      ->assertFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-update-3", "administrator has 'update'.");
      ->assertFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-delete-3", "administrator has 'delete'.");
      ->assertFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-view-1", "anonymous has 'view'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-create-1", "anonymous does NOT have 'create'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-update-1", "anonymous does NOT have 'update'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-delete-1", "anonymous does NOT have 'delete'.");
      ->assertFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-view-2", "authenticated has 'view'.");
      ->assertFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-create-2", "authenticated has 'create'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-update-2", "authenticated does NOT have 'update'.");
      ->assertNoFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-delete-2", "authenticated does NOT have 'delete'.");

    // Verify the enabled/disabled state of the checkboxes.
    foreach ($this->rids as $rid) {
      foreach ($this->accesses as $access) {
        $key = "{$access}-{$rid}";
        if (array_search($key, array(
        )) !== FALSE) {
        else {

    // Remove the Drupal default forum.
      ->assertText(t('No forums defined'), 'Drupal default forum removed.');
      ->pass('#########################<br />#1 - END test initial configuration @' . (time() - $this->time), '######');


 * Default configuration test for the Forum Access module.
class ForumAccess12DefaultConfigurationTestCase extends ForumAccessBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '2. Forum Access Default Configuration',
      'description' => 'Test access for the default forum configuration.',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',
  function testAccess2() {
      ->pass('#########################<br />#2 - START Default Configuration test @' . (time() - $this->time), '<a id="jump1" href="#jump2">/\\<br />######<br />\\/</a>');

    // Create a forum with default settings.


    $edit = array(
      'name' => 'Forum 2 (Default)',
      'description' => 'Default settings',
      'parent[0]' => 0,
      'weight' => '0',
    $forum = (object) ($edit + array(
      'tid' => 2,

    // Create forum.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/forum/add/forum', $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertResponse(200, "{$forum->name} added.");
      ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ {$forum->name} exists, with these settings.");
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Forum Overview');
      ->checkForum($forum, TRUE);
      ->pass('#########################<br />#2 - END Default Configuration test @' . (time() - $this->time), '<a id="jump2" href="#jump3">/\\<br />######<br />\\/</a>');


 * Read-Only configuration test for the Forum Access module.
class ForumAccess13ReadOnlyConfigurationTestCase extends ForumAccessBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '3. Forum Access Read-Only',
      'description' => 'Test access for the configuration with only View access given.',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',
  function testAccess3() {
      ->createAndCheckForum(3, 'Read-Only', 'All View checkboxes checked', array(


 * All-OFF configuration test for the Forum Access module.
class ForumAccess14AllOffConfigurationTestCase extends ForumAccessBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '4. Forum Access All-OFF Configuration',
      'description' => 'Test access for the configuration with all access withheld.',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',
  function testAccess4() {
      ->createAndCheckForum(4, 'All-OFF', 'All checkboxes cleared', array());


 * All-ON configuration test for the Forum Access module.
class ForumAccess15AllOnConfigurationTestCase extends ForumAccessBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '5. Forum Access All-ON Configuration',
      'description' => 'Test access for the configuration with all access given.',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',
  function testAccess5() {
      ->createAndCheckForum(5, 'All-ON', 'All checkboxes checked', $this->accesses);


 * No-View configuration test for the Forum Access module.
class ForumAccess16NoViewConfigurationTestCase extends ForumAccessBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => '6. Forum Access No-View',
      'description' => 'Test access for the configuration without View access (blocks all other access!).',
      'group' => 'Forum Access',
  function testAccess6() {
    $accesses = $this->accesses;
      ->createAndCheckForum(6, 'No-View', 'All checkboxes checked except View column', $accesses);



Namesort descending Description
ForumAccess00PlainTestCase Functional tests for the Forum module, with Forum Access (and ACL) installed.
ForumAccess11InitialConfigurationTestCase Initial configuration tests for the Forum Access module.
ForumAccess12DefaultConfigurationTestCase Default configuration test for the Forum Access module.
ForumAccess13ReadOnlyConfigurationTestCase Read-Only configuration test for the Forum Access module.
ForumAccess14AllOffConfigurationTestCase All-OFF configuration test for the Forum Access module.
ForumAccess15AllOnConfigurationTestCase All-ON configuration test for the Forum Access module.
ForumAccess16NoViewConfigurationTestCase No-View configuration test for the Forum Access module.