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function ForumAccessBaseTestCase::checkForum in Forum Access 7

Check the set of permissions in one forum.


$forum: An associative array describing the forum.

$is_default: Set to TRUE if this is the default forum (without any moderator).

2 calls to ForumAccessBaseTestCase::checkForum()
ForumAccess12DefaultConfigurationTestCase::testAccess2 in tests/forum_access.test
ForumAccessBaseTestCase::createAndCheckForum in tests/forum_access_test_base.php


tests/forum_access_test_base.php, line 359
Base class with auxiliary functions for forum access module tests.


Base test class for the Forum Access module.


function checkForum($forum, $is_default = FALSE) {
    ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ '{$forum->name}' exists.");
  foreach ($this->accounts as $key => $account) {

    // Retrieve the access settings for this account.
    $account->access = array();
    foreach ($account->roles as $rid => $role_name) {
      foreach ($this->accesses as $access) {
        if ($this
          ->isFieldChecked("edit-forum-access-grants-checkboxes-{$access}-{$rid}")) {
          $account->access[$access] = $access;
  foreach ($this->accounts as $key => $account) {

    // Create a topic and a comment for this account to experiment with.
    $account->node = $this
      ->createForumTopicWithTitle($forum, "Topic for {$account->name}");
    $account->comment = $this
      ->createForumCommentWithText($account->node, "Comment for {$account->name}");

  // Show the topic list.
    ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ '{$forum->name}' initial topics.");
  foreach ($this->accounts as $key => $account) {
    $is_super_user = user_access('bypass node access', $account) || $account->uid == $this->moderator->uid && !$is_default;
    if (!empty($account->uid)) {
    else {

    // Check whether we have an 'Add new Forum topic' link.
    if (empty($account->access['view']) && !$is_super_user) {
        ->assertResponse(403, "^^^ {$account->name} cannot see the Forum Overview");
    elseif ((empty($account->access['create']) || !user_access('create forum content', $account)) && !$is_super_user) {
        ->assertResponse(200, 'Forum Overview');
        ->assertNoLink(t('Add new Forum topic'), "^^^ {$account->name} cannot post in the '{$forum->name}'.");
    else {
        ->assertResponse(200, 'Forum Overview');
        ->assertLink($forum->name, 0, "^^^ {$account->name} can see the '{$forum->name}'.");
        ->assertLink(t('Add new Forum topic'), 0, "^^^ {$account->name} can post in the '{$forum->name}'.");
    foreach (array(
    ) as $test_type) {

      // Check whether we can View our topic.
      $comment =& $account->comment;
      $node =& $account->node;
      if ((empty($account->access['view']) || !user_access('access content', $account)) && !$is_super_user) {
          ->assertResponse(404, "^^^ {$account->name} cannot access '{$forum->name}'.");
          ->assertResponse(403, "^^^ {$account->name} cannot access {$test_type} topic.");
          ->assertResponse(403, "{$account->name} cannot edit {$test_type} topic (not accessible).");
          ->assertResponse(403, "^^^ {$account->name} cannot access comment '{$comment->subject}'.");
      else {
          ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ '{$forum->name}' as {$account->name}.");
          ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ {$account->name} can access {$test_type} topic.");
          ->assertText($comment->subject, "Comment '{$comment->subject}' found, too.");

        // Check comment visibility.
        if (!$is_super_user && (!user_access('access comments', $account) || empty($account->access['view'])) && !user_access('administer comments', $account)) {
            ->assertResponse(403, "^^^ {$account->name} cannot see comment '{$comment->subject}'.");
        else {
            ->assertLinkByHref(url("comment/{$comment->cid}", array(
            'fragment' => "comment-{$comment->cid}",

          // Check post comment / reply link.
          if ((!user_access('post comments', $account) && !user_access('post comments without approval', $account) || empty($account->access['create'])) && !$is_super_user) {
            if (!$account->uid) {
              ->assertNoLink(t('Add new comment'));
              ->assertNoText(t('Add new comment'));
              ->assertResponse(200, '^^^ ' . "Comment '{$comment->subject}' is visible to {$account->name}'.");
          else {
              ->assertText(t('Add new comment'));

          // Check comment edit links.
          global $user;
          $user_save = $user;
          $user = $account;

          // We ignore the 'edit own comments' permission!
          $comment_access_edit = FALSE;

          // comment_access('edit', $comment);
          $user = $user_save;
          if (empty($account->access['update']) && !$is_super_user && !$comment_access_edit && !user_access('administer comments', $account) && !user_access('edit any forum content', $account) && !($account->uid == $comment->uid && user_access('edit own forum content', $account))) {
          else {
            $comment->subject .= ' (updated)';
              ->drupalPost("comment/{$comment->cid}/edit", array(
              'subject' => $comment->subject,
            ), t('Save'));
              ->assertText(t("Your comment has been posted."));

            // It ought to say 'updated'!

          // Check comment delete links.
          if (empty($account->access['delete']) && !$is_super_user && !user_access('administer comments', $account) && !user_access('delete any forum content', $account) && !($account->uid == $comment->uid && user_access('delete own forum content', $account))) {
          else {
              ->drupalPost("comment/{$comment->cid}/delete", array(), t('Delete'));
              ->assertText(t('The comment and all its replies have been deleted.'));

        // Check whether we can Edit our topic.
        if (empty($account->access['update']) && !user_access('edit any forum content', $account) && !(user_access('edit own forum content', $account) && $node->uid == $account->uid) && !$is_super_user) {
            ->assertResponse(403, "{$account->name} cannot edit {$test_type} topic.");
        else {
            ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ {$account->name} can edit {$test_type} topic.");

          // Check that moderator gets administrator properties.
          if ($is_super_user || user_access('administer nodes', $account)) {
              ->assertText(t('Revision information'), "{$account->name} sees Revision information.");
              ->assertText(t('Comment settings'), "{$account->name} sees Comment settings.");
              ->assertText(t('Publishing options'), "{$account->name} sees Publishing options.");
            if (user_access('administer nodes', $account)) {
                ->assertText(t('Menu settings'), "{$account->name} sees Menu settings.");
                ->assertText(t('Authoring information'), "{$account->name} sees Authoring information.");
            else {
                ->assertNoText(t('Menu settings'), "{$account->name} does not see Menu settings.");
                ->assertNoText(t('Authoring information'), "{$account->name} does not see Authoring information.");
          else {
              ->assertNoText(t('Revision information'), "{$account->name} does not see Revision information.");
              ->assertNoText(t('Comment settings'), "{$account->name} does not see Comment settings.");
              ->assertNoText(t('Publishing options'), "{$account->name} does not see Publishing options.");
              ->assertNoText(t('Menu settings'), "{$account->name} does not see Menu settings.");
              ->assertNoText(t('Authoring information'), "{$account->name} does not see Authoring information.");

          // Check whether we can Delete our topic.
          if (empty($account->access['delete']) && !user_access('delete any forum content', $account) && !(user_access('delete own forum content', $account) && $node->uid == $account->uid) && !$is_super_user) {
              ->assertNoButton(t('Delete'), 0, $account->name . ' has no Delete button.');
          else {
              ->assertButton(t('Delete'), 0, $account->name . ' has a Delete button.');

          // Change the title.
          $node->title = $node->title . ' (changed)';
            ->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/edit", array(
            'title' => $node->title,
          ), t('Save'));
            ->assertText(t('Forum topic !title has been updated.', array(
            '!title' => $node->title,

        // Check whether we can delete the topic.
        if (empty($account->access['delete']) && !user_access('delete any forum content', $account) && !(user_access('delete own forum content', $account) && $node->uid == $account->uid) && !$is_super_user) {
            ->assertResponse(403, "{$account->name} cannot delete {$test_type} topic.");
        else {
            ->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/delete", array(), t('Delete'));
            ->assertText(t('Forum topic !title has been deleted.', array(
            '!title' => $node->title,
      if ($test_type == 'any' && (!empty($account->access['view']) || $is_super_user)) {

        // Check whether we can create a topic.
        if ((empty($account->access['create']) || !user_access('create forum content', $account)) && !$is_super_user) {
          if (empty($account->uid)) {
          else {
              ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ {$account->name} can see the Forum Overview, but...");
              ->assertText(t('You are not allowed to post new content in the forum.'));
            ->assertResponse(403, "^^^ {$account->name} cannot create a forum topic in '{$forum->name}'.");
        else {
            ->assertNoText(t('You are not allowed to post new content in the forum.'));
            ->assertLink(t('Add new Forum topic'));
            ->clickLink(t('Add new Forum topic'));
            ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ {$account->name} can create a forum topic.");
            ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ {$account->name} can create a forum topic in '{$forum->name}'.");
            ->assertLink(t('Add new Forum topic'));
            ->drupalPost("node/add/forum/{$forum->tid}", array(
            'title' => "Topic 1 by {$account->name}",
          ), t('Save'));
          $node = $account->node = $this
            ->createForumTopicWithTitle($forum, "Topic 2 by {$account->name}");
            ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
          $account->comment = $this
            ->createForumCommentWithText($node, "Comment by {$account->name}");
            ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ '{$forum->name}' as {$account->name} (own topic).");
    ->assertResponse(200, "^^^ '{$forum->name}' remaining topics.");