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private function ForumAccessTestCase::testForumAccessCreateTopic in Forum Access 6

This function test if the user can create a topic Three steps: is there a create link, does the create topic page opens and can the new topic be saved

1 call to ForumAccessTestCase::testForumAccessCreateTopic()
ForumAccessTestCase::testForumAccessRun in ./forum_access.test
The main function which is used to start testing a specific forum configuration.


./forum_access.test, line 592
Test file for forum_access.module.


This is the base class for forum access testing.


private function testForumAccessCreateTopic() {
  if (intval($this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId) > 0) {
    $allowed = $this

    // Check to see if the reply link is on the view page
      ->drupalGet('forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId);
    if ($allowed) {
      if (!$this
        ->assertPattern("/node\\/add\\/forum\\/{$this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId}/", t('For @user there should be an post-new-topic-link on this page: @page', array(
        '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
        '@page' => $this
      )))) {
    else {
      if (!$this
        ->assertNoPattern("/node\\/add\\/forum\\/{$this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId}/", t('For @user there should NOT be any post-new-topic-link on this page: @page', array(
        '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
        '@page' => $this
      )))) {

    // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the reply page
    $page_opened = FALSE;
      ->drupalGet('node/add/forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId);

    // Can the user select a forum from the selectbox
    $selectbox_has_forum = (bool) preg_match('/<option value="">.*<\\/option><option value="\\d+"(>| selected="selected">).*<\\/option><\\/select>/', $this
      ->drupalGetContent(), $matches);

    // Does the text "not authorized" exists on the page
    $not_authorized_exists = strpos(filter_xss($this
      ->drupalGetContent(), array()), "not authorized") !== FALSE;
    if ($allowed) {
      if (!$this
        ->assert($selectbox_has_forum && !$not_authorized_exists, t('@user should be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array(
        '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
        '@page' => $this
      )))) {

        //        if (!$this->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array('@user' => ($this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous')), '@page' => $this->getUrl())))) {
      else {
        $page_opened = TRUE;
    else {
      if (!$this
        ->assert(!$selectbox_has_forum || $not_authorized_exists, t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array(
        '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
        '@page' => $this
      )))) {

        //        if (!$this->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array('@user' => ($this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous')), '@page' => $this->getUrl())))) {
        $page_opened = TRUE;
    if ($page_opened) {

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to create a new topic
      $topic_options = array(
        'title' => 'Topic title: ' . $this
        'body' => 'Topic body: ' . $this
        ->drupalPost('node/add/forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId, $topic_options, t('Save'));
      if ($allowed) {
        if ($this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to create a new topic on this forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
          $topic = node_load(array(
            'title' => $topic_options['title'],
          return $topic ? $topic->nid : 0;
        else {
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to create a new topic on this forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
          $topic = node_load(array(
            'title' => $topic_options['title'],
          return $topic ? $topic->nid : 0;
  return 0;